FALL 2020
Russia changes strategy When Russia recognized the growing geopolitical ineffectiveness of their malign narrative efforts , they launched a new narrative strategy entitled “ building bridges ”, whereby Russian politicians and mass media began calling for re-establishing connections with Ukraine . “ War is war , Crimea is Crimea , but we must build bridges of friendship , families , cooperation , and economic ties ,” Russia said . All this was reinforced with statements claiming no benefit for Ukraine and the world to quarrel with Moscow , and that building bridges was a way to thaw relations made cold due to their own aggression . Drawing upon the common past Ukraine shares with the USSR gave the Russian Federation great hopes that this narrative will be successful . After all , polls from June
2020 showed that almost one third of Ukrainians believes that Ukraine benefited from being part of the Soviet Union . However , just like in the case of their malign narratives claiming Ukraine was a “ loser state ”, “ building bridges ” has not provided results as quickly as Russia desires . The information space , now filled with new topics reframing the Russia / Ukraine relationship , has now created a mindset among Ukrainians and others that can be generalized as “ fatigue ” narrative . Indeed , after six years of it , Ukraine and Europe are tired of Russian aggression . “ Building bridges ” will only go so far unless Russia ceases all aggressive actions . But instead of stopping this aggression , Russia still wants Ukraine to surrender to Russian demands . Surprisingly , Ukrainian society has not taken the “ building bridges ” bait , and more often