Mobile Training Team

By CPT Federico Maria Vizzini ( ITA ) LANDCOM G4
Cooperative Security , as one of NATO ’ s three core tasks , is a LANDCOM Headquarters primary focus of effort . During the Lisbon Summit in November 2010 , this was introduced as one of three NATO core tasks in addition to Collective Defence and Crisis Management . It consists of three components , including strengthening partnership , contributing to arms control , non-proliferation and disarmament , and assisting potential new countries to prepare for NATO membership . LANDCOM contributes to Cooperative Security through several means , one of them being the provision of Mobile Training Team to selected NATO partners . Under this programme , the Allied Land Command Headquarters ( LANDCOM HQ ), as Action Authority for Mobile Training Teams ( MTTs ) on Logistics , ran a Logistic training session in Nabeul , Tunisia , from 09-13 July 2018 .
The Mobile Training Team , made up by five Officers from G4 Division , spent five days providing crisis response logistic planning instructions to Tunisian Officers in the Army , Navy and Air Force , from the rank of Captain to Colonel . The scope of the training was to enable partner nation officers ,
assigned to the Tunisian General Staff and other Commands , to understand their role in the NATO Logistic Planning Process , as J4 Staff Officers at the Operational level . In addition to that , the aim was to prepare the participants for logistic missions and duties with the provided knowledge on fundamentals of NATO logistics , logistic principles , policies , concept and doctrine of theater-level logistics in operations .
The Mobile Training Team leader presents a Certificate of Training to a student .
The proactive behavior shown by the students , especially during the syndicate work sessions , revealed their strong wish and willingness to apply NATO procedures . As well as the high performance expressed during the whole training is a sign of experience and complete dedication to bring their national interest to the forefront .
Performing mobile training in favor of partner nations speeds up the process which enables them to meet NATO standards , and increases the efficiency of their contribution to the Alliance ’ s operations and missions . In this field LANDCOM HQ plays a key role . By sending Mobile Training Teams it contributes by spreading NATO culture and knowledge to partner nations in support of the overarching Cooperative Security task .