Having NCOs taking part in the CREVAL Seminar , provides us with the opportunity to slowly build the NCO CREVAL capacity , which provides the Command flexibility in terms of resources within the HQ .
A Finnish army sergeant gives instructions to his men during Joint Viking 2017 .
the Command flexibility in terms of resources within the HQ . We must continue to promote NCO participation in CREVAL activities throughout the Command and in future CREVAL tasks including at the 1st German-Netherlands Corps ( 1GNC ) and Multinational Division North-East ( HQ MND-NE ) in November and December this year .
Developing Resilient People and Families
Looking way back to March we were able to send two NCOs to the 11th International Slovenian NCO Winter Camp for NATO and Partnership for Peace ( PfP ) Countries , scheduled from 02 - 09 March at the Slovenian Armed Forces ( SAF ) Winter Training Centre , Pokljuka . The objective of this Winter Camp is to continue the development of better-trained and ready NCOs within the framework of NATO interoperability . My thanks to the Senior National Representatives for ensuring this opportunity was not lost , as it was well received by those who participated .
LANDCOM conducted its first German
“ SCHUETZENSCHNUR ” or Shooting Competition which involved 13 Nations . The competition consisted of a running course , and P8 pistol and G-36 rifle shooting at various ranges . Our DCOM , LTG Paolo Ruggiero presided over the Awards and congratulations to all that played a part in making the event a success .
Our LANDCOM Ball was held 23 June in the ancient city of Ephesus near to Izmir . This proved to be an outstanding location and a true LANDCOM first . Ephesus is an ancient Greek and Roman port city with a sea channel and harbour basin . It was built in the 10th Century BCE on the site of the former Arzawan capital by Attic and Ionian Greek colonists . During the classical Greek era it was one of the twelve cities of the Ionian League . The city flourished after it came under the control of the Roman Republic in 129 BCE . Many thanks to the Morale Welfare Recreation team for making this event happen .
Looking forward
When the gun goes off in September we will begin our autumn sprint of planning , exercises and engagement . As usual the calendar is filled to the brim with a variety of core tasks . We will hit the ground running , with everything from Terrain Walks , CRE- VAL and G6 Signal seminars , and extended newcomers training . International Day and the LC3 conference at NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Italy ( NRDC-ITA ) are also on the agenda , and that is just September ! Before we know it we will be deploying on Exercise TRIDENT JUNCTURE 2018 as Land Component Command ( LCC ) North , and Operation Deployment Element / Local Operation Control function rolling into the CREVAL 1GNC in Norway . Ensure you all pace yourselves accordingly .
In closing , I would add 2019 is the year of “ Implementation ” and we must stay strong in the saddle during the NATO Command Structure ( NCS ) Adaptation process . As the NCS continues to define and refine itself , we must adapt accordingly , be positive and embrace change . Adaptation is a leadership responsibility and we must be a unified force or voice moving forward . See you all on the Battlefield .