Command Senior Enlisted Leader ' s Message
Chief Warrant Officer Stephen A . Rice Command Senior Enlisted Leader


Command Senior Enlisted Leader ' s Message

Chief Warrant Officer Stephen A . Rice Command Senior Enlisted Leader
As we look towards the last quarter of Supreme Allied Commander Europe ´ s ( SACEUR ’ s ) 2018 vision or “ Year of Decision ”, it only seems fitting to take stock of what we have accomplished , and what we have still have left to finish in 2018 . At the time of writing this article we are post “ Brussels Summit ” and within NATO ’ s low manning period , it makes sense during this natural pause to look back at our accomplishments during LANDCOM ’ s “ Year of Transition ” while also ensuring conditions are set for future activities that still require leadership for LANDCOM success .
First things first , I feel it important to recognize the leadership and commitment of some 30 % of the headquarters staff that have been posted out from within our unit lines , up to and including our past Commander , LTG Darryl A . Williams . To the outgoing staff , your professionalism and expertise will truly be missed , and LANDCOM wishes you and your families a smooth transition to your next appointments . Good luck to all of you going forward and know that you will always be members of the greater LANDCOM family . To our past Commander , I feel it is necessary to recognize your steadfast commitment to the Command and the soldiers within it . Sir , you are a true ambassador of the LANDCOM motto “ For the Soldier !” and I personally want to acknowledge and thank you in your steadfast support for Non-commissioned officers ( NCOs ) and NCO initiatives . You were a model Commander in championing the Command Team concept for others to follow , and
I was lucky to have had the privilege to serve with you . For the newcomers , " Hoş geldiniz !" or Welcome to the LANDCOM family ! I look forward to working with you all , including our new Commander LTG John C . Thomson III .
The past initiatives and completed LANDCOM activities since hosting the 12th LANDCOM Corps Commanders ’ Conference ( LC3 ) in March in Izmir are too numerous to list , but , I would like to recognize some past highlights which had NCO participation .
The LANDCOM evaluation team which conducted the Combat Readiness Evaluation ( CREVAL ) on 19-23 March which certified Multinational Division South- East ( MND-SE ) had NCO participation , which is a definite sustain . NCOs are more than capable of providing added value during CREVAL tasks . Twice a year LANDCOM conducts CREVAL Seminar training in house , and having NCOs taking part in this training , provides us with the opportunity to slowly build the NCO CREVAL capacity , which provides
CWO Stephen RICE during the LTG John THOMSON Assumption of Command Ceremony .