April Sergeant 1915 ANZAC Yahya Battle 25-26 of Gallipoli

Sergeant Yahya , of 10th Company , 3rd Battalion , 26th Regiment , distinguished himself by acts of gallantry during the Battle of Gallipoli , at Ertugrul Cove ( V Beach ), Turkey on 25April 1915 . On this day , Sgt . Yahya , with just 63 men and four maxim machine guns , was dug in with other Turkish Soldiers on Hill 138 ; one of the most strategic defensive points because of its location between V and W Beaches . In the early morning hours British Soldiers from the 1st Battalion Royal Munster Fusiliers and the 1st Battalion Royal Dublin Fusiliers conducted an amphibious assault from the Landing Ship SS River Clyde to begin the Gallipoli campaign . As the boats came ashore Sgt . Yahya directed his men , and the machine guns , to engage the landing parities . Almost immediately Sgt . Yahya s commander , Lieutenant Abdur Rahim , was killed . When no one stepped up to lead the company , Sgt . Yahya took command of the company . Despite e a continuous bombardment and multiple attempts by British forces to take the beach all morning , Sgt . Yahya courageously moved from posi- tion to position to rally soldiers and direct deadly fires onto the beach below . In the afternoon they received eived word that British soldiers were advancing toward Hill 138 from W Beach , which was to their rear . Sgt . Yahya quickly mobilized his men and reinforced rced units defending the other side of Hill 138 facing W Beach . Because of his leadership and heroic actions Turkish Krithia

forces were able to stop the British advance , forcing the British to abandon all attempts to capture the beaches until the next day . A Royal Naval Air Service observer flying above the battle tle that morning ng reported rted that the shallow waters of the cove were e absolutely red with blood ’. Midshipman George Drewry , who was awarded the Victoria Cross for his courage at this landing , wrote to his father : I never knew blood smelt so strong before '. On the evening ng of 25 April . British forces increased ed the bombardment of V Beach , and continued it throughout ut the night , with the goal of

Hellesbombardment destroying the trenches and displacing Sgt . Yahya s men . Despite the

Cape Helles bard and lack of reinforcements , Sgt . Yahya and his men remained in position throughout the night and on the morning of 26 April the British resumed their attack . Sgt . Yahya and his men contin- ued to hold their ground throughout the morning , but by 3 pm that afternoon Sgt . Yahya , along with most of his men , had been severely wounded and were ordered to move to alternate positions further up the coast . Shortly after moving to the alternate position , Sgt . Yahya succumbs to his wounds and became a martyr .

Kum Kale


Achi Bab

A memorial commemorates Turkish forces during the Battle of Gallipoli .
Sergeant Yahya award Since the inception n of Allied Land Command ( LANDCOM ) in 2012 , mander

3 the commander of LANDOCM has presented the Sergeant Yahya

Award , annually , to the Non-Commissioned Officer whose has made on outstanding individual Contribution to the success of Allied Land Command through their exceptional Commitment and Dedication Duty .