speed until every soldier and piece of equipment returned to their home bases in July .
Needless to say , the transfer of personnel and materiel from one location to another is essential for the military to be able to support an ongoing deployment or respond effectively to any emerging threat . For the purposes of “ Saber Strike 2018 ,” our RMCC specialists set up a Logistic Functional Area Services ( LOGFAS ) database to easily track and visualize the movements of convoys on the ground . In this way , every delay or incident which could have potentially affected the schedule of the exercise was immediately registered and reported . All this was done in cohesion with many partners and institutions , including the respective National Movement Coordination Centres .
Distinguished Visitor Day in Orzysz , Poland , during Exercise Saber Strike 2018 .
– emphasized Lieutenant General Manfred Hofmann , Commander Multinational Corps Northeast at the time . – “ Equally important , we have fostered our cooperation with U . S . Army Europe . They are a huge training enterprise in our Area of Operations so I find a good working relationship with our Allies from across the Atlantic to be essential .”
The key training events of “ Saber Strike 2018 ” included a convoy from Germany to Latvia by the U . S . 2nd Cavalry Regiment ,
" The target value of this large multinational exercise was developing trust between the Allies so we can work together if we are ever called upon during a moment of crisis or instability ." air assault operations in several training areas throughout the exercise as well as bridging and river crossing operations to support freedom of movement . This year ’ s participating nations came from all over the Euro-Atlantic region : Canada , Croatia , Czech Republic , Denmark , Estonia , Finland , France , Germany , Italy , Latvia , Lithuania , Macedonia , the Netherlands , Norway , Poland , Romania , Spain , the United Kingdom and the United States .
“ The target value of this large multinational exercise was developing trust between the Allies so we can work together if we are ever called upon during a moment of crisis or instability ,” stated Colonel Robert Bertrand , Chief of U . S . Army Europe Exercise Programmes .
With 18,000 participating soldiers , “ Saber Strike 2018 ” was not only an operational but also a logistic effort . The movement of troops as well as their medical safety monitored and coordinated from HQ MNC NE . Both the Regional Movement Coordination Centre ( RMCC ) and the Patient Evacuation Coordination Centre ( PECC ) worked at full
The medical safety of moving troops was supervised in a similar manner . The main role of the PECC was monitoring and advising the Chain of Rescue . The overall effort involved close civil-military cooperation , as the medical basis for the soldiers while exercising was civilian infrastructure . Every soldier requiring hospitalization was tracked .
RMCC and PECC , both established in Szczecin , operated in collaboration with the two teams of U . S . Army Europe deployed to Baltic Barracks . Equally important , they were supported by the NATO Force Integration Units ( NFIUs ). Yet again , the units have proven conclusively that their organizational cohesion and knowledge of the operational environment are in place to support HQ MNC NE in its mission of securing the northeastern borderlands of the Alliance .
As working in cohesion with multinational partners is one of NATO ’ s landmark achievements , “ Saber Strike 2018 ” has served as yet another illustration of HQ MNC NE ’ s ability to simultaneously conduct a range of military activities across the Baltic region . Remaining adaptive and ready to meet any security challenges which may arise , HQ MNC NE upholds the commitment of the Alliance to ensure a safe future of its members in the East .