By 1GNC Public Affairs Office .
From 4 to 8 June , stakeholders from the civilian and the military environment gathered for the 2018 edition of the Common Effort Exercise . In different theme groups , they discussed the challenges of Tunisia and formulated innovative solutions . The Common Effort Community met at the Civil-Military Cooperation Centre of Excellence ( CCOE ) in The Hague . A steering group of representatives from 1 German Netherlands Corps , TNO , Haus Rissen and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs led the exercise .
The theme of Common Effort 2018 was ‘ Exploring Comprehensive Approaches towards Tunisia and its regions .’ Choosing Tunisia as case study was perfectly in line with the philosophy of Common Effort that complex problems require the integration of different perspectives and inclusion of a wide range of stakeholders . Through analysing and taking action on possible emerging conflicts at an early stage , the Common Effort Community can contribute to a safe and secure world .
Participants discuss new information .
Common Effort Community The Common Effort Community provides a platform for exchange and cooperation between organisations and finds its roots in government , civil society , police , military , academia and the private sector . At this moment it has over 55 members , all specialising in fragile states and their specific issues ; the protection of civilians , human security and stability , development and humanitarian aid for instance . The vast diversity of participating organisations provided a foundation from which a mutual understanding of different perspectives , approaches and policies could emerge . This would eventually result in tangible solutions that could not have been explored with participants working in isolation . After spending two days debating their assigned topics , ranging from ‘ Media ’ and ‘ Social Perspectives ’ to ‘ Security and Safety Threats ’, the theme groups presented their plans in a plenary session . Intense discussions contributed to a better understanding of how the different themes are connected . In other words , how the different recommendations can strengthen each other .