Technical reconnaissance was part of the Congress .
circumstances " separate great leaders from the rest of the pack ." He ended his presentation with valuable information on leadership behavior .
To conclude this topic , the participants had the opportunity to test their own leadership in a " mini-exercise " related to metaphorical leadership training before they were animated in a final reflection by the leadership trainers . The aim of this
reflection was transferring insights gained into their daily work and mountain warfare .
" minor
problems ."
The congress program was completed by
an industry exhibition and demonstration
of mountain fighting with technological
means completed the program .
Exhibitors from the industry inform the participants about new developments . The closing point of the congress was then again set by a NATO spokesman . LtCol Christoph Kück from the NATO Standardization Office ( NSO ) reported on the need for interoperability and standardization in NATO-led operations , referring to the current NATO documentation on mountain warfare .
Summary : The central idea of the congress was not to offer solutions , but to set impulses . Due to the high-quality lectures , this seems to have succeeded according to COE evaluation and based on the evaluation of the participants ' feedback . Subsequently , a Congress publication is scheduled which will contain the printed version of the lectures . Likewise , the plan is to make an enhanced eBook available on the NATO MW COE website . Overall , it is the intention of the NATO MW COE to organize a congress on an annual basis ; and the topic for 2019 will be Risk Management .
Ernest Roth , PhD , pulls the auditorium with his " Real-life perspective " from Operation Anaconda in the spell