Chief Warrant Officer Stephen A . Rice Commander Senior Enlisted Leader


Command Senior Enlisted Leader ’ s Message
Chief Warrant Officer Stephen A . Rice Commander Senior Enlisted Leader


his issue I would like to highlight and re-educate leaders on NATO doctrine in terms of Lessons Learned ( LL ) and Lessons Identified ( LI ) capability . By doing so I will bring to the forefront , current NATO publications , processes , policies and directives , which will amplify and create awareness of LANDCOM ’ s initiatives with regards to eFP LL Roadmap .
As an untrained observer my first education in terms of NATO ’ s LL processes was attending the initial LANDCOM eFP LL Process and Procedure Workshop in May 2017 in Szczecin , Poland at HQ Multinational Corps North-East ( MNC-NE ). It was here that I became familiar with the NATO LL community . The aim of the workshop was to develop a common understanding of eFP LL structure , identify main eFP stakeholders , identify critical tasks , and agree on LL training requirements . My biggest take away from this was the understanding that NATO has a robust LL network , and the main challenge will be in formalizing an eFP LL chain of command for the collection and communication of LL and LI . The eFP LL community has to ensure that all NATO eFP Battle Group entities , including Host Nation ( HN ), Framework Nation ( FN ), eFP Battle Groups and United States Army Europe ( USAEUR ), are operating within NATO standards . It is also worth mentioning that some nations do not have a formal LL structure so the need to train individuals in NATO ’ s LL standards is required .
In terms of NATO Publications , the Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Center ’ s ( JALLC ) LL Handbook , Third Edition February 2016 , answers and educates on all things lessons learned . This handbook amplifies the Bi-Strategic Commands ( Bi-SC ) Directive 080-006 LL capability and states , “ A Lessons Learned capability provides a commander with the structure , process and tools necessary to capture , analyse and take remedial action on any issue and to communicate and share results to achieve improvement .”
The JALLC LL Handbook highlights the challenges facing organisations in building a culture within which people feel comfortable and motivated to share knowledge in a productive way . The mindset to incorporate learning from others into all aspects of work , as well as the confidence and trust to share their best practices with others is a leadership responsibility . A key element of lessons learned capability is having trained and dedicated LL personnel within organizations .
Leadership must support communities of interest , engaged in socialized learning , and be willing to allow leaders the ability to make personal connections . Formal and informal workshops and working groups allow networking opportunities , which builds trust thus enhancing our ability to share . Solving problems , developing , leveraging , and standardizing best practises by way of After Action Reviews , Periodic Mission reports and Final Exercise Reports are “ free chicken ” for all those involved .
As land advocates , LANDCOM ’ s “ Lessons Learned Roadmap ” is nested within Commander Joint Force Command Brunssums LL Annex , which in turn reinforces the LL society . Specific lines in the sand have been drawn to ultimately have an eFP LL portal within the JALLC for Battle Groups to draw upon .
COM LANDCOM ’ s vision is ultimately being able to provide leadership with an “ eFP LL Handbook ” or aide-memoire that will focus on both Phase 1 IMPLEMENTATION and Phase 2 DETERRENCE of eFP deployments . I recently had the opportunity to accompany COM LANDCOM during his eFP battlefield circulation , and it was an excellent opportunity to set the right conditions for LANDCOM ’ s LL team ’ s “ Boots on the Ground ” tour 3-14 Sept 17 .
In conclusion , the eFP mission is an Alliance wide “ interoperability laboratory ”, which has to be harnessed . Visiting the eFP BG ’ s solidified the need to share in : multinational integration , interoperability , communications , readiness , service and support , infrastructure , information operations , HN Defence Plan integration … the list goes on and on . Each BG can learn from one another and would encourage all levels of leadership to adapt the LL mindset and to provide networking opportunities for the LL community . By doing so we will build cohesion , combat effectiveness and enhance interoperability giving us the ability to demonstrate a highly visible and robust deterrence posture .
For the Soldier !