Lieutenant General Darryl A . Williams Commander


Commander ’ s Message
Lieutenant General Darryl A . Williams Commander

Transition ! As we prepare to end 2017 and begin 2018 , we are entering a period of transition in organization , training and operations . Much of the work being done over the last several months has contibuted greatly to the alliance . I wanted to recognize some of that work and provide a glimpse of where we are headed in the future .

Organizational Transition
We spent much of the last several months contributing to SHAPE ’ s Adaptation work to transition NATO ’ s role from assurance to deterrence . LANDCOM demonstrated the value of a land domain advocate over the last eight months through its contribution to SHAPE ’ s Adaptation recommendation . SACEUR ’ s recommendation for NATO Adaptation to the North Atlantic Council is now in the refinement phase and LANDCOM continues to engage in preparing the alliance to deter aggression and provide collective defense for the 29 Nations . I thank all who contributed to the great work on the Adaptation project . It was humbling to hear SACEUR compliment the high quality input that SHAPE staff received for the land domain .
Training Transition
Lots of work has been done with regards to training NATO ’ s land forces . Currently , NATO Rapid Deployable Corps Italy ( NRDC-ITA ) is in the middle of its Combat Readiness Evaluation ( CREVAL ) having completed Phase 1 in mid-September , and I am looking forward to attending their certification ceremony in mid-October .
SACEUR published a new training guidance , called SAGE 19 and we will use 2018 to transition the Alliance to a new training and exercise posture . As we look to our transition into 2018 with a new training structure , we will have to work hard to implement SAGE 19 . This training guidance gives us the opportunity to further invest in collective defense by investing our precious training resources in NATO training events . Building our training structure in line with this guidance contributes to improved readiness across the Alliance .
LANDCOM will end 2017 with a training exercise of our own ,
executing TRIDENT JAVELIN 2017 in Stavanger , Norway in November .
Operational Transition
In our land advocacy role , LAND- COM helped assist Joint Force Command Naples better develop the role of “ The Hub .” Through the NATO Strategic Direction South Conference in July , we came to a better understanding of its role , improved NA- TO ’ s understanding of the operating environment , and assisted JFC Naples in achieving initial operating capability for the Hub focused on NATO ’ s southern flank .
We have also transitioned our readiness posture by helping SHAPE and JFC Brunssum implement the enhanced Forward Presence mission under JFC Brunssum ’ s command . LANDCOM ’ s advocacy has resulted in improved ability to accomplish the eFP mission . I was fortunate enough to be able to visit all four eFP Battle Groups this summer and the work they are doing is tremendous . Each Battle Group is unique and has it ’ s own challenges , and it is with those challenges that I see LANDCOM being able to provide further assistance . As the Battle Groups continue to evolve , they can serve as a catalyst of change for both NATO land forces and the Alliance as a whole .
What ’ s Next
As we look forward to implementing SAGE 19 training guidance , we will also have better understanding of the operating environment as we prepare to certify the LANDCOM Headquarters in EXERCISE TRIDENT JAVELIN 17 in November . This training opportunity will not only improve the headquarters ’ readiness , it will also allow LANDCOM to continue informing our various lines of operation as the Alliance transitions to better deliver readiness and deterrence to the Nations . I am proud of all we have achieved in the land domain and look forward to the next year of transition . Thank you for your contributions .
For the Soldier !