in the Human Resources LOD was identifying billets and requisitioning personnel that would enable the headquarters to control Joint operations . This included recruiting air force , navy , and interagency personnel for the headquarters , predominantly for Crisis Establishment ( CE ) manning and provided by the Framework Nation . The headquarters identified an important lesson and applied the lesson learned by securing by-name augmentee commitments from the French Joint Command well in advance of execution . This helped provide effective reassurance that the personnel requested would indeed participate as required . If commitments had been only for numbers of personnel , there would have been uneasiness as to whether the right person would show up at the right time .
Probably the most important milestone for the Training LOD was to prepare the headquarters for the certification exercise . This included planning a number of successive , incrementally more challenging exercises that would serve as the build-up during which the headquarters would practice its Joint skills . When the certification exercise occurred , RRC-FR had effectively prepared for the varying challenges that it could face .
The Doctrine LOD principally addressed codifying procedures for RRC-FR to operate , namely by producing new
Standard Operating Instructions ( SOIs ) and a JTF handbook . Revising the SOIs for joint operations was a broad , deep-diving , headquarters-wide , cross-functional process in and of itself , distinguished from the overall JTF SG simply by the fact that it was led by staff officers more junior than composed the primary officers of the JTF SG . More of the staff participated in SOI revision than any other single JTF transformation process . In the end , using SHAPE-approved Standard Operating Procedures ( SOPs ) as a baseline , RRC-FR developed comprehensive , sound doctrine for the JTF to apply .
The Evaluation LOD focused on monitoring the NATO performance standards necessary to achieve certification . Interacting with other NATO Rapid Deployable Corps ( NRDCs ) that had previously undergone the certification process , and communicating with evaluators knowledgeable of the conditions with which NRDCs operated , the Evaluation LOD kept the headquarters apprised of its progress towards certification .
The Resources LOD dealt with issues ranging from procuring equipment to ensuring training areas were available and ready . One key milestone involved computer information systems ( CIS ). Not only must NATO forces operate on a specific computer network , but they must also operate using certain NATO interoperable software such as the FAS family of programs . Examples of these systems include the operational planning tool known as Tools for Operations Planning Functional Area Service ( TOPFAS ) and the logistics-focused Logistics Functional Area Service ( LOGFAS ). Efforts along the Resources LOD coordinated efforts to incorporate the necessary items for the headquarters to operate .
With the potential to coordinate logistics for multinational forces from more than one Service , the LOD for Joint Logistics focused on creating a new operational logistics concept . It took a great deal of time and coordination to develop , but the logistics concept successfully integrated Framework Nation logistics with NATO interoperability requirements , and the certification exercise validated its proof of concept .
Addressing only the tasks unique to joint operations , the Engagement LOD contributed to the JTF SG by developing points of emphasis towards Framework Nation institutions as well as themes to stress for representatives of contributing nations . When the President of Bulgaria visited the headquarters during Distinguished Visitor Day of the certification exercise , it was the icing on the cake for the Engagement LOD . The headquarters demonstrated it was able to address strategic level issues while simultaneously managing tactical operations .
RRC-FR was put to the test on its official certification exercise , Exercise TRIDENT JAGUAR , divided in two parts from 2016-2017 . The first part was the Crisis Response Planning phase and the second part the Execution phase . As a result of its successful performance in both , the external evaluators from JWC recommended that SHAPE certify RRC-FR as a NATO Joint Task Force headquarters . The JTF SG had set the conditions for success by clearly articulating the goal , developing a scheme to achieve it , and exercising effective control through monthly meetings to see the efforts through to the end state .