NATO Joint Task Force Certification

By LTC David Tier ( USA ), RRC-FR
In July 2017 , SACEUR endorsed Rapid Reaction Corps-France ( RRC-FR ) as a NATO-certified Joint Task Force ( JTF ) headquarters capable of commanding and controlling air , land , maritime , and special operations elements as part of a land-centric Small Joint Operation ( SJO ). This certification resulted from a two-year long process of training , organizing , and preparing to perform joint operations , culminating with a certification exercise whereby the Joint Warfare Centre ( JWC ) declared RRC-FR proficient to fulfill the many required tasks in accordance with established NATO standards . As a result , if a crisis emerges and the North Atlantic Council approves the use of military force to respond , RRC-FR can deploy and assume command of a Joint Operation Area with the forces necessary to achieve strategic objectives on behalf of NATO . This type of role requires the command and staff to be able to maintain a greater degree of independence than in typical conventional warfare roles where well-defined chains of command govern straightforward tasks , the flexibility to conduct a variety of missions spanning the range of military operations , and versatility to render the appropriate level of attention covering the gamut from strategic to tactical-level issues . But how did RRC-FR accomplish this noteworthy achievement ?
In 2015 , after completing a stand-by period as NATO Response Force Land Component Command , RRC-FR set upon the new role by appointing a senior Deputy Chief of Staff ( DCOS ) to lead a steering group that would oversee the transformation to a joint headquarters . This involved both incorporating the tangible means to become Joint , such as the addition of more inter-Service personnel , as well as inculcating a joint mindset throughout the staff . The DCOS organized a committee of Assistant Chiefs of Staff ( ACOSs ) called the JTF Steering Group ( JTF SG ) to identify , prioritize , and coordinate the tasks necessary to achieve certification . The JTF SG met on a monthly basis . Employing authority delegated by the Chief of Staff ( COS ), the DCOS appointed several key staff officers to represent functional areas that could direct staff efforts for subject areas significantly affected with a change of duties given the new role . These functional efforts were designed and structured into Lines of Development ( LODs ) that combined to cover a cross-functional , comprehensive new direction for the headquarters . Similar to an Operational
Design , the DCOS developed a plan with the JTF SG that established LODs and key milestones intended to measure the effectiveness and pace of achieving certification . The LODs were :
1 ) Human Resources , led by the J-1 ; 2 ) Training , led by the J-7 ; 3 ) Doctrine , led by the J-5 ; 4 ) Evaluation , led by the J-9 ; 5 ) Resources , led by the J-6 ; 6 ) Joint Logistics , led by the Assistant Chief of Staff ( ACOS ) Combat Service Support ( CSS ); and 7 ) Engagement , led by Strategic Communications ( STRATCOM ).
Each LOD would oversee a number of key milestones identified as critical steps to achieve certification . Among these milestones , the DCOS made a priority to develop a headquarters order that would define the overall goal , outline the process to achieve it , and secure the COS ’ formal approval to direct action with his authority . This key milestone was completed in January 2016 . The COS was so pleased with the order that he forwarded it the Commander , requesting him to sign , which the Commander did promptly .
The most important milestone established