certified 1 ( GE / NL ) Corps , JWC supported 1 ( GE / NL ) Corps exercises on the “ Road to JTF ”. The exercises followed a typical “ crawl-walk-run ” framework to provide opportunities to learn lessons and subsequently to implement them . The Corps took its first step toward joint command and control capability in April , 2016 with the conduct of Exercise Truthful Sword , which focused on providing command and control of a land-centric JTF conducting stability operations . Following this event , 1 ( GE / NL ) Corps demonstrated initial operating capability as a JTF ( L ) headquarters . The next step consisted of an externally evaluated Crisis Response Planning ( CRP ) event in September / October 2016 , during which the headquarters ’ planners implemented NATO ’ s Comprehensive Operations Planning Directive ( COPD ) to develop a joint , operational-level Operations Plan ( OPLAN ). Building on the success of the event , 1 ( GE / NL ) Corps used that OPLAN to conduct exercise Ultimate Sword in December 2016 to evaluate the ability of the Corps ’ JLSG HQ to support deployment and reception , staging , onward movement and integration ( RSOMI ) of the joint force as well as to provide an initial evaluation of the Corps ’ ability to command and control joint forces in a high intensity non-article 5 crisis response SJO ( L ).
The final exercise event in 1 ( GE / NL ) Corps ’ Road to JTF was the exercise Trident Jaguar 2017 , which was the headquarters-wide deployment to the JWC in Stavanger , Norway for its final external evaluation and certification as JTF-capable by SHAPE . The evaluators noted three topics that needed attention . Firstly , 1 ( GE / NL ) Corps should establish fixed relationships with the required augmentees in order to properly train them before deployment . Secondly , some of the Standard Operating Instructions ( SOIs ) of the HQ have to be improved . Thirdly , 1 ( GE / NL ) Corps should develop a Maritime Operations Coordination Center ( MOCC ) in line with the Air Operations Coordination Center ( AOCC ) which is already in place for 1 ( GE / NL ) Corps .
The comprehensive approach
While the headquarters experienced fundamental changes in orientation , it retained its determined focus on developing comprehensive solutions . Throughout its history , regardless of the level of war on which it focused , 1 ( GE / NL ) Corps has appreciated the absolute necessity of integrating military activities with those of other actors with whom they would interact in a crisis situation . Leaders have understood that the Corps ’ contributions alone are insufficient to achieve an enduring end state . When serving as a tactical headquarters , 1 ( GE / NL ) Corps ’ planners focused their efforts on cooperation with IOs and NGOs to ensure that they could simultaneously support each other . At the operational level , as a JTF headquarters , 1 ( GE / NL ) Corps had to do more , given its responsibility for developing and executing a campaign plan . The JTF HQ is not only the highest military HQ in theatre , but also needs to engage at the highest level and work together with government officials . Working at a higher level required planners to identify objectives and effects that the military would not be able to accomplish itself , but would require assistance from the IOs / NGOs and other instruments of national power . Instead of mere cooperation on the ground , joint plans required synchronizing objectives and identifying effects that non-military partners could create as part of a broader plan . With this in mind , 1 ( GE / NL ) Corps embarked on specific annual exercises , dubbed Common Effort , to improve awareness , create familiarity , and develop tools for working together . Over time , these interactions have greatly enhanced the Corps ’ and civilian counterparts ’ ability to think , plan and act in a comprehensive manner , contributing to integrated solutions that produce lasting results .
Over the past 21 years 1 ( GE / NL ) Corps has fulfilled three different roles at two different levels ; Corps headquarters , LCC as part of the NRF at the tactical level and , as of 1 July 2017 Joint Task Force Headquarters ( Land ) ( JTF HQ ( L )) at the operational , as well as the tactical level because of NATO ’ s integrated model . The Corps deployed three times and was also three times on standby as part of the NRF . By not specializing in one role the Corps remains flexible , adaptive and highly deployable especially in times when our security situation is under pressure and the future impossible to predict . Everything is in line with 1 ( GE / NL ) Corps ’ s motto : Communitate Valemus - together we are strong !