Exercise Truthful Sword 2016 : On the Way to VJTF ( Photo by CPL Allesıo Felix , 1GNC Publıc Affaırs )
information updates and thus contributed to the quality of the Operations Plan . This concerted effort led to the certification of the CRP and a positive evaluation of the OPLE and OLRT .
During exercise ULSD16 it will be the Joint Logistics Support Group ( JLSG ) and the Initial Command Element ( ICE ) that are deployed to the Joint Forces Training Centre ( JFTC ) in Bydgoszcz , Poland and subsequently evaluated by SHAPE . In the scenario the process of Reception , Staging , Onward Movement and Integration ( RSOMI ) will be carried out with three brigades . Some 300 people will be working at the JFTC , but it involves other people from the Corps too . The ICE and JLSG have a reach back capacity in Münster . SHAPE will certify the JLSG . the first test for 1GNC to adapt from a Land Component Headquarters into a JTFHQ ( L ). In the past it was sufficient to focus on a certain stretch of land with a clear focus on mid and long term planning . Now , 1GNC had to take a much broader view , encompassing both the air and maritime domains .
But this wasn ’ t quite enough . With new players on board ( including a new command group ) and new SOPs , 1GNC also decided to run new software . TOPFAS for the planners , LOGFAS for the logisticians and LC2IS for the operations side of the house . And it all came together during exercise Truthful Sword 2016 . Although changes had to be made afterwards , it all worked really well on the whole .
Right after summer leave a large part of the Corps ’ Headquarters was involved in the Crisis Response Planning ( CRP ) in preparation for exercise Ultimate Sword 2016 ( ULSD16 ) and Trident Jaguar 2017 ( TRJR17 ). This deployment exercise saw the Operational Planning Liaison Element ( OPLE ) going to SHAPE in Mons , Belgium for some last guidance on the planning being done in Münster . It also entailed the Operational Liaison Reconnaissance Team ( OLRT ) which was sent to Stavanger to liaise with people on various levels from the scenario ’ s host nation Arnland . The OLRT provided the planners with
( certification
exercise )
The exercise TRIDENT JAGUAR 2017 ( TRJR17 ) aims at certifying 1GNC . This will be executed while 1GNC conducts a Command Post Exercise at the Joint Warfare Centre ( JWC ) in Stavanger , Norway , during the latter part of March and the first week of April 2017 . It builds upon a Non-Article 5 Crisis Response Operation ( NA5CRO ) with a focus on combat operations . After certification , 1GNC will be on stand-by for NATO as JTFHQ ( L ) from mid 2017 for the duration of a year .