1 German Netherland Corps http :// www . 1gnc . org /

From NATO Response Force To Joint Taskforce ( Land )

Exercise Truthful Sword 2016 : On the Way to VJTF ( Photo by CPL Allesıo Felix , 1GNC Publıc Affaırs )

When the stand-by period for NATO ’ s Very High Readiness Joint Task Force ended in mid 2015 , 1 ( German / Netherlands ) Corps ( 1GNC ) had to change its structure and mindset from being at the level of Land Component Command ( LCC ) to that of being a Joint Taskforce ( Land ) ( JTF ( L )) for Small Joint Operations . This means that 1GNC has to be able to lead up to one division while at the same time it needs to plan for maritime , air and special operations . The framework nations Germany and the Netherlands prefer to use the so-called integrated model , i . e . being both the JTF headquarters and the LCC simultaneously . The additional personnel that is needed to execute this model will be provided by both framework nations as augmenters .

Integrated model
Acting as a JTF HQ ( L ), 1GNC must be able to cope with both tactical and operational levels of war . Whilst 1GNC is to provide sufficient Direction & Guidance to the subordinate formations to perform their missions , it has to concurrently synchronize its land-centric objectives and joint effects with SHAPE , other supporting component commands , and the political / civilian framework in theatre . In order to best organise this challenge , the HQ structure has been adapted to a mission tailored Integrated Model . This new mission tailored JTF HQ ( L ) will be able to
plan and conduct land-centric Small Joint Operations , commanding up to a division . Whilst principally acting in a “ doublehatted ” mode whenever feasible , it will split tactical and operational responsibilities as required .
As a first visible sign of the structural reorganisation the branch indication changed from General to Joint . But more important is the significant organisational change of the formation of the new J35 cell within the J3 branch for mid term synchronisation and planning .
Although 1GNC has had an Air Operations Coordination Cell in its midst , this does not suffice to become a fully fledged JTF HQ . Therefore 1GNC has requested additional personnel from the framework nations Germany and the Netherlands to augment its staff with air , maritime and SOF expertise . Not on a permanent basis , but mainly in the planning and execution of exercises and operations .
Acting on a different level means other responsibilities and this requires a different set of Standard Operating Procedures ( SOPs ). 1GNC has put great effort in rewriting its SOPs and brought them completely in line with those of SHAPE .
What was next was the use of various Functional Area Systems . All operations planning should be done in NATO TOPFAS . With the help of the NATO Communications and Information Systems School in Latina , Italy , the Corps ’ planners were taught how to use TOPFAS .
Stepping stones Exercise Truthful Sword 2016 was