LandEscape Art Review Special Issue | Page 73

Karol Kochanowski

LandE scape

Your pieces often reject an explicit explanatory strategy : they seem to be the tip of the iceberg of what you are really attempting to communicate . How does representation and a tendency towards abstraction on a semantic level find their balance in your work ?
I have described before my semi improvised creative process I developed . I don ’ t have a full control on how my work visually will reflect the message behind it . It is almost impossible to fully read my intentions from the image I produce . My paintings are clearly emotional reflections of my thought , feelings , something that is hard to put in to right words and there is no space for straightforward message on the actual picture . My work has both ways purpose : it send either visual or ideological message to the viewer or brings me recipient ’ s interpretation , or both ; one and the other are the same important .
Your works provide the viewers with an intense , immersive experience : moreover , elements from environment and reminders to the notion of landscape are particularly recurrent in your imagery and they never plays the role of a mere background . Do you see a definite relationship between environment and your work ?
The form my recent works appear , their landscape like character is the follow up of constant changes end experiences I have gained in my creative practice as well as personal life . Through my academic years I have experienced fluent transformation from figurative surreal painter to