LandEscape Art Review Special Issue | Page 213

Joanne Gravelin

LandE scape

failure of the American Dream . Majoring in printmaking has also very much influenced my method of painting . The main things I love about printmaking would be the focus on process and the layering . In school I focused primarily on silkscreen and copper etching . Silkscreen was a perfect way to incorporate multiples and layers into my work . In earlier paintings I used layers of silkscreen shrubs as an element to add the feel of a manufactured landscape . Currently , I work in paintings and drawing , but the skills I learned in printmaking have carried through in my style and attitude .
Post college I have more fully discovered who I am as an artist . I feel i ’ ve been quite successful at maintaining motivation as I have always been a very prolific maker . It ’ s rare that I don ’ t have a project going on and I hope it will always be like that .
Your approach is very personal and your technique condenses a variety of viewpoints , that you combine together into a coherent balance . We would suggest to our readers to visit in order to get a synoptic view of your work : in the meanwhile , would you like to tell to our readers something about your process and set up ? In particular , would you tell our readers something about the evolution of your style ? In particular , are your works painted gesturally , instinctively ? Or do you methodically transpose geometric schemes from paper to canvas ?
Most of my process is pretty fluid and improvisational . The very start of my artistic spark comes from traveling . I ’ ve taken many lengthy road trips and train trips across America and seeing new landscapes is what brings me the most inspiration . On these trips I take many photographs , both digitally with my phone and with a 35 mm film camera . The