Lakeside Village December 2017 | Page 13

13 News A frightened Thornhill visitor On the 12th of September a resident spotted a dog frantically running through the Village during an afternoon storm. The Lakeside Animal Committee jumped into cars as well as heading out on foot to try and rescue this frightened dog. Catching her proved to be a little more difficult than planned as she was wary of strangers and already spooked by the thunder. Fellow Lakeside Residents stepped in to assist but she was having none of this and gave chase. Once she had made her way into the Manor she slowed down and we were able to get reasonably close to her. As rescuers some of our vehicles are well equipped with Medical kits, blankets, YOUR food, water, bowls and various other items that are used from time to time in Animal Welfare but none of this was needed as once her wet muddy body spotted my warm, dry cream leather seats the chase was over and she hopped up into my car and made herself comfy. After posting her on various sites, whatsapp groups and Facebook pages YOUR it turns out that Abby lives in Thornhill Estate and managed to escape during SPECIALISTS the storm. Her Mom spent 3 hours driving around looking for her prior to being shown her picture on Facebook. She was truly fortunate that she landed MODDERFONTEIN ESTATE up in Lakeside where residents THORNHILL care. M MODDERFONTEIN AREA CARL KNIGHT 082 749 1747 [email protected] YOUR AREA SPECIALISTS & Please support Lakeside’s Animal Committee as we are here to assist you THORNHILL ESTATE LAKESIDE VILLAGE with your animals. CARL KNIGHT 082 749 1747 With thanks [email protected] Kimbal & LAKESIDE VILLAGE DEIRDRE KNIGHT 082 749 1747 [email protected]