Rand Aid News
Testing the teams at Thornhill Manor
The seventh Thornhill Manor general knowledge quiz was supported by an affa-
ble number of contestants who enjoyed two hours of competition and compan-
ionship, lubricated by the good offices Dave Webster who manned the Sundown-
er Club facilities for the evening.
The quiz took the form of four rounds of 10 questions each, most of which could
be answered by the combined brain power of the four-people teams. There were,
however, a few more difficult questions introduced to help sort out a winner ....
which achieved their objective when a three-point margin separated the winners
and runners-up.
A fifth, picture round, consisted of 20 pictures of a variety of foods from nuts to
berries and berries to red and green chilli peppers. The contestants had to recog-
nise and name the various foods shown.
After a hard-fought contest, the winners were The Silly Sixers comprising Ginny,
Tony and Viv Michler with Sid Gosher . Runners up were The Plovers – Lynne
Wardle, Maryke Ewen, Bonnie Gosher and Felicity Peter.
First prize was kindly donated by AECI Mining Services and comprised an elegant
notebook, pen and 8-gig memory stick for each member of the team.
Robbie Vermont researched
the questions and presented
the evening with Ann Raats as
invigilator and scorer. Robbie
thanked the Sundowner Club
for opening the bar and man-
ning it with their usual affable
manner. He also thanked Jackie
Scott and her Thornhill Manor
staff for preparing the Commu-
nity Centre and for clearing up
For more information about
Thornhill Manor, visit Rand
Aid’s web page at www.randaid.
co.za or call Jackie or Esmé on
The winners: Sid Gosher and Tony Michler (behind)