Temple Public Service Award
Nominati ons are accepted annually for the Award unti l December
31, and forms are available at cityofl
The Award recognizes individuals who demonstrate leadership,
responsiveness to the public and City staff , a long durati on and
scope of service, constructi ve parti cipati on in meeti ngs, and their
ability to represent the community’s values. The Award Commit-
tee is chaired by former Mayor Donald P. Schoenheider.
For more informati on, please contact Margaret Boyer at
boyerm@cityofl or 847.810.3647.
“A Fiscal Stress Test:
How the State’s Decisions
Impact the City and Schools
of Lake Forest”
The Marketi ng Campaign is underway! A series of print
ads are appearing monthly in Sheridan Road magazine
and more print and digital adverti sing is being planned
for Crain’s Chicago Business and other media.
The City’s Welcome Home website page, under “News”,
is being conti nuously updated with videos and other
marketi ng materials as they are developed.
An exciti ng and informati ve brochure has been created
for use by local realtors, schools, small businesses and
corporati ons to help market the community, and is avail-
able on the website in both an interacti ve form and a
downloadable print version.
Tuesday, October 3, 7-8:30 p.m.
The John & Nancy Hughes Theater
Gorton Community Center, 400 E. Illinois Road
The City of Lake Forest and the School Boards of Districts 67
and 115 invite you to a public forum focused on how recent
State and Federal government fi scal decisions impact Lake
Foresters. A panel of experts from the City Council and School
Board will provide a high level overview from a local perspec-
ti ve followed by a Q & A session. Topics to be presented include
the ramifi cati ons of a property tax freeze and other ti mely
issues. Residents are encouraged to att end the program, and
no reservati ons are necessary. Please contact Bob Kiely, City
Manager,(kielyr@cityofl or 847.810.3675) or Mi-
chael Simeck, School Superintendent ([email protected]
or 847.604.7401) with questi ons.
A round of applause goes out to the Marketi ng Commit-
tee volunteers and all of the volunteer residents in the
community who have provided invaluable brainstorming
and experti se with this eff ort to date.
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for Lake Forest!