type of flaw, some place we feel we
in ourselves to consider anything
don’t measure up, with some more
as coming from ourselves, but our
obvious than others. There will
adequacy is from God” (II Corinthians
always be someone smarter, prettier,
3:5, NASB).
more talented, more popular, from a
Author Max Lucado wrote, “If God
better background—and the list goes
had a refrigerator, your picture would
on. We must learn to be comfortable
be on it. If He had a wallet, your
living in our own skin, and realize
photo would be in it. He sends you
God made us the way He wanted
flowers every spring and a sunrise
us to be.
every morning. Face it, friend. He is
We were created in the image of
crazy about you!”
our glorious God (Genesis 1:26). You
You are the apple of God’s eye
and I carry God’s likeness. We should
(Zechariah 2:8). You are so important
feel great about ourselves. Right?
to Him He knows how many hairs
Well, facts are facts, and we have to
you have on your head (Matthew
face them. Females, young and old,
10:30). He knows everything about
all come in different shapes, coloring,
you (Psalm 139:1) and He likes you
and sizes. We may not be happy with
anyway. He chose you when He
everything about our packaging,
planned the world (Jeremiah 1:4-5),
but the Bible says every one of us
and God wants to lavish you with love
is fearfully and wonderfully made
(I John 3:1).
(Psalm 139:14).
If you could count all the times
Moments of self-doubt are part of
God thought about you, it would be
everyone’s life. Everyone has areas
more than the grains of sand on the
in which they feel inadequate or that
earth (Psalm 139:17-18). God loves
they just don’t measure up. But when, you with an everlasting, unending
through faith, we have a healthy God- love (Jeremiah 31:3) and you are His
esteem, we can walk with confidence.
treasure (Exodus 19:5). You are a
God-esteem comes when we have
child of the King! a
a biblically-grounded way of looking
at our value to God. It
is a result of knowing
Article excerpted
what He has put into our
and adapted from The
lives and should not be
Girl in the Dress—
confused with spiritual
Uncovering the Mystery
pride or vanity. Godof Modesty. This book is
esteem is an awareness
available through Ladies
that all our worth and
Ministries UPCI. For
abilities come from the
further information, visit
One who made us. “Not
ladiesministries.org or call 314.837.7304 ext. 412.
that we are adequate
8 Reflections • Mar/Apr 2014