March-April 2014
Mission Statement:
To evangelize, enhance, and encourage women of all ages
Editor in Chief - Robin Johnston
Associate Editor - P. Daniel Buford
Ladies Ministries President - Gwyn Oakes
Editor - Melody Reever
Design - Laura Merchant
USPS 753-630 Reflections is a bi-monthly
publication of the United Pentecostal Church
International, 8855 Dunn Road, Hazelwood, MO
63042-2299. Subscription price is $14.00 a year
(6 issues). Periodicals postage paid at Hazelwood,
MO, or additional mailing facilities. POSTMASTER:
Send address changes to Reflections, 8855 Dunn
Road, Hazelwood, MO 63042-2299.
Fundamental Doctrine:
The basic and fundamental doctrine
of this organization shall be the Bible
standard of full salvation, which is
repentance, baptism in water by
immersion in the name of the Lord
Jesus Christ for the remission of sins,
and the baptism of the Holy Ghost with
the initial sign of speaking with other
tongues as the Spirit gives utterance.
We shall endeavor to keep the unity
of the Spirit until we all come into the
unity of the faith, at the same time
admonishing all brethren that they
shall not contend for their different
views to the disunity of the body.
In Every Issue:
In Every Issue:
4 Reader’s Response
6 From the President
17 Heart and Home
20 Wish I’d Known
22 Quiet Moments
24 Home Page
27 Good for Life
30 Money Wise
32 Let’s Talk
36 Take a Look!
Mar/Apr 2014 • Reflections 5