Feature — Ingunn Turner
by: Rach
e are made in the image of God. We, His creation, were made to be
beautiful and to love beauty.
We long for it. We need it. But like all needs, the need for beauty
can be twisted to our hurt. The warped world we live in has taken this need for
beauty and turned it into something ugly.
Instead of encouraging us to become beautiful through growth, through
the practice of spiritual disciplines, the world tells us we can buy beauty. We
see it in advertisements. We see it in the faux, flawless faces, the airbrushed,
altered bodies on billboards. We see the face in the mirror and know it
cannot compare.
What’s the secret of real beauty?
Real beauty does not diminish or fade with time. It is not captured by the
young and gradually relinquished with age. It grows and becomes more and
20 Reflections • Mar/Apr 2014