Ladies Magazine Design March-April 2014 | Page 19

your spouse Treasure MARRIAGE ss  reasure your spouse. T Date weekly. Have fun. Laugh together. Encourage each other. Pray together. Make home a happy place to be!  The Benefits of Smiling When going for a job interview, smiling is as important as the way you are dressed. In a study, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, people looked at full-body photographs of 123 people they had never met who had one of two expressions: 1) neutral or 2) a smile. Observers were more likely to think the person in the photo with a smile was likeable, confident, conscientious, and stable. So if you want to impress your “perhaps” future boss, don’t forget your smile! Linda Gleason and husband, Gary, reside in Oregon City, Oregon. They are the parents of four children and have one grandson. Family is Linda’s passion; she firmly believes that children are our heritage from the Lord. Linda is also Ladies Ministries secretary, UPCI. Mar/Apr 2014 • Reflections 19