Lac Ste. Anne County Activity Report LSAC_Flipbook_Activity Report 2016-17_FINAL_HiRes | Page 20
The amount of waste being brought to the County’s
eight (8) Transfer Stations has continually decreased
and recycling amounts are on the rise. This is great
to see, as it shows that we are reducing our carbon
footprint in a collaborative manner.
Effective January 1, 2017, a Solid Waste Utility Fee
was implemented, thus removing the charge from
property taxes. New disposal permit cards were
issued to all eligible residents allowing for better
tracking. As a result, all County residents wishing to
dispose of their household waste must present their
County-issued disposal permit and a government
issued piece of photo identification to the site
operator. Since implementation, we have noted that
transfer station usage abuse has greatly decreased.
To further reduce such abuse, residents are
encouraged to not lend out their card (as it will be
confiscated), and not take non-County refuse to our
sites. The intended purpose of our transfer stations
is solely to benefit Lac Ste. Anne County taxpayers.
Residents who live in towns, villages or summer
villages must take their waste to the main landfill and
pay $57.50/tonne. Each municipality is responsible
for organizing and funding its own waste collection.
These individuals are not authorized to use County
transfer stations, as they do not pay for them.
Residents can download a PDF of the County’s
Transfer Station winter/summer hours and locations
on the municipal website,
waste & recycling.
— Rick Haltiner
Public Works Manager
LSAC ACTIVITY REPORT | County Progress 2016/17
www. LSAC .ca