Lab Matters Winter 2023 | Page 14


Emerging Infectious Diseases and Antimicrobial Resistance Genes in Wastewater

By Kayley Janssen , Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene ; Morgan Roos , Molecular Quantification Core , Colorado State University ; Jim Huang , Molecular Quantification Core , Colorado State University ; Jacob Bierstedt , Illumina , Inc .; Irina Khrebtukova , Illumina , Inc .; Evelyn Doolittle , Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene ; Griffin Knuth , Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene ; Dash Cooper , Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene ; Ellie Olsen , Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene ; Adelaide Roguet , Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene ; Jeffrey Koble , Illumina , Inc .; Ying Lin , Illumina , Inc .; Kate Broadbent , Illumina , Inc .; Courtney Gonzalez , Illumina , Inc .; Robert Schlaberg , Illumina , Inc .; Gary Schroth , Illumina , Inc .; Carol Wilusz , Molecular Quantification Core , Colorado State University ; and Scott Kuersten , Illumina , Inc .
The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic accelerated the integration of genomics into pathogen surveillance . It demonstrated the value of monitoring wastewater for infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance ( AR ) as an important means to aid public health professionals in predicting upcoming trends with potentially large impacts on communities . Increased SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid detection in wastewater by molecular methods precedes increases in COVID-19 hospital cases by days to weeks , providing an opportunity for non-invasive monitoring of community-level prevalence trends . 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 As hospitalization rates have decreased and at-home testing has replaced pointof-care or centralized laboratory testing , wastewater data may be a more reliable indicator of SARS-CoV-2 circulation in the community . 6
Digital droplet polymerase chain reaction ( ddPCR ) methods to detect and quantify pathogens in wastewater have become routine in wastewater surveillance and provide a sensitive and targeted means to track increases in SARS-CoV-2 and other infections . 5 This approach has distinct advantages for both sensitivity and throughput . However , it is limited to a single ( or , at best , a small number of ) pathogens for any assay . 7 Next-generation sequencing ( NGS ) offers a potent alternative to monitor large numbers of distinct pathogens simultaneously . It has the added benefit of providing strain level and potentially full genome coverage of the pathogens . Importantly , there are a myriad of methods for sample collection , concentrating the microbes and extracting the nucleic acids from wastewater samples . However , additional studies to identify how pre-analytical factors impact the number and types of microorganisms detected in such samples are an important prerequisite to routine implementation . Through the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023 , Illumina collaborated with researchers at the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene and Colorado State University to evaluate sample collection approaches and , more importantly , sample concentration and extraction methods for wastewater-based surveillance by NGS .
Utilizing influent , the effects of sample storage , concentration technique and extraction method on pathogen detection were compared . Sample concentration methods evaluated in these studies including the Concentrating Pipette from InnovaPrep and Nanotrap ® Microbiome Particles from Ceres Nanosciences . Furthermore , four different extraction techniques were performed on samples from different wastewater sources , including college dorms and water treatment plants in Colorado and Wisconsin . Following concentration and isolation , the nucleic acids were sequenced with various NGS protocols to evaluate their ability to detect and characterize a broad range of pathogens and AR genes . These included shotgun metagenomic approaches and shotgun metatranscriptomics with ribosomal RNA ( rRNA ) depletion using Illumina ’ s RiboZero™ Plus Microbiome . In addition , two precision targeted NGS assays , the Urinary Pathogen ID / AR Panel ( UPIP ) and the Viral Surveillance Panel ( VSP )— both products available through Illumina — were utilized to enrich and profile a broad spectrum of microbial sequences of interest . Both bait-capture panels utilize biotinylated probes that hybridize to the genomic regions of interest for specific targets . UPIP targets 174 genitourinary pathogens and > 3700 AR markers , while VSP targets 66 DNA and RNA viruses .
Samples were sequenced very deeply ( 100 million reads per sample ) and then downsampled to 8-20M reads for most of the analysis to compare the performance of enrichment vs . deep shotgun sequencing .
The samples prepped using InnovaPrep and Ceres Nanosciences products showed negligible differences in viral pathogen detection yield by ddPCR and by NGS methods as well as genome coverage by NGS . However , the microbial content of concentrated wastewater samples changed over time and with the number of individuals contributing to the wastewater system . Additionally , the specific NGS method used for detection affected the type of pathogens detected and the genomic coverage of those pathogens . In general , shotgun DNA and RNA approaches demonstrated high detection yield for viruses that are abundant in wastewater , such as hCoV-OC43 and human polyomaviruses . Compared to traditional shotgun methods , VSP enrichment enhanced the number of viruses observed ( mainly enteric , oncolytic or respiratory in nature ), allowed for more granular strain identification , and increased the callable positions and coverage of viruses ( e . g ., BK polyomavirus ( DNA ), aichivirus A ( RNA ), astrovirus ( RNA ) and hCoV-OC43 ( RNA )) in wastewater samples . Inclusion of a bait-capture step with UPIP prior to sequencing improved AR marker detection , coverage and depth ; enriched samples show a > 2X increase in average detection and a 409X increase in median depth at 5X fewer reads than shotgun methods ( Figure 1 ).
Overall , bait-capture enrichment provides an expansive and bioinformatically economical NGS approach for surveillance of viral and bacterial pathogens in wastewater , a complex
12 LAB MATTERS Winter 2023
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