Lab Matters Summer 2022 | Page 29

Leadership in Biosafety and Biosecurity Award
Honors a laboratorian with over 10 years of related service in the field of biosafety and biosecurity in a state and / or local public health laboratory , private clinical laboratory or as an external partner . This honoree is a leader both within their home laboratory as well as external to their laboratory .
Jill Power , New Hampshire Public Health Laboratories
Carrie Anglewicz , Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Bureau of Laboratories
The LEAD Award
Established in 2021 , this award recognizes the legacy of Eva J . Perlman , APHL ’ s first chief learning officer , who over three decades helped shape the public health laboratory workforce and represented the attributes of “ serving those who have served .” This award honors an individual who exhibits the attributes of a leader , encourager , advocate and developer , and who has 10 or more years of service in a state , local or territorial public health laboratory , or other public health laboratory partner .
Renée Ned-Sykes , Training and Workforce Development Branch , Division of Laboratory Systems , CDC
Champion of the Public Health Laboratory Award
Recognizes federal , state and local elected officials or executive branch employees who have recognized the importance of state and local governmental laboratories that perform testing of public health significance either through support of legislation or federal agency decisions .
Reynolds Salerno , Division of Laboratory Systems , CDC
APHL Presidential Award
Selected by Denise Toney during her Presidential year ( 2021-2022 ) for the significant contributions that were made to the association ’ s work to promote policies that strengthen public health laboratories .
Brandi Limbago , National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases , CDC
Timothy Stenzel , Office of In Vitro Diagnostics and Radiological Health , FDA
Healthiest Laboratory Award
Celebrates excellence in environmental stewardship and health promotion in both practice and policy . It recognizes APHL member laboratories demonstrating outstanding efforts to reduce their collective environmental impact and to promote health and wellness programs .
State Hygienic Laboratory at the University of Iowa
Thomas E . Maxson Education , Training and Workforce Development Award
Established in August of 1998 in memory of Dr . Maxson , this award honors an APHL member who is a public health or clinical laboratory practitioner , trainer or educator who has made significant contributions to public health laboratory practice by creating , delivering or developing continuing education opportunities , programs , policies or practices for the laboratory community .
Crystal Barrett , Virginia Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services n
Summer 2022 LAB MATTERS 27