Lab Matters Summer 2022 | Page 28


APHL 2022 : Where Laboratory Science and Public Health Meet ( In-person and Virtually )

Over 1,400 public health scientists and administrators attended APHL 2022 in Cleveland , OH and virtually . Leandro Mena , MD , MPH , director of the Division of STD Prevention for the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ), was the Kati Kelley Lecturer , speaking about his work promoting holistic and equitable approaches to STI care . APHL was also pleased to announce the recipients of its annual awards for outstanding achievements in laboratory science , creative approaches to solving today ’ s public health challenges and exemplary support of laboratories serving the public ’ s health .
Lifetime Achievement Award
Recognizes individuals who have established a history of distinguished service to APHL , made significant contributions to the advancement of public health laboratory science or practice , exhibited leadership in the field of public health and / or positively influenced public health policy on a national or global level . This is not a retirement award , but a true Lifetime Achievement Award .
Richard Steece , former director , Division of Laboratory Services , Tennessee Department of Health
Gold Standard Award
Given to an APHL member who makes or has made significant contributions to the technical advancement of public health laboratory science and / or practice that resulted in significantly improved technology for application in public health , environmental or agricultural laboratories .
Henry Leibovitz , Rhode Island State Health Laboratories
Silver Award
Honors a laboratorian with 10 to 15 years of service in a governmental public health laboratory ( either public health or environmental / agricultural laboratory ). The honoree will be recognized as a leader both within their home laboratory as well as external to their laboratory .
Degina Booker , Mississippi Public Health Laboratory
On the Front Line Award
Honors an individual or laboratory outside of the APHL membership who makes significant contributions to the advancement of public health laboratory science and / or practice .
Donald Burr , Office of Regulatory Science , US Food and Drug Administration
Emerging Leader Award
Honors a laboratorian whose leadership has been instrumental in one or more advances in laboratory science , practice , management , policy or education within five to 10 years of working at a publicly funded laboratory that conducts testing of public health significance .
Lauren Turner , Virginia Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services
DIGITAL EXTRA : Miss a session or want to claim P . A . C . E . ® credit ? APHL 2022 sessions are available for viewing until August 19 , 2022 .
26 LAB MATTERS Summer 2022
PublicHealthLabs @ APHL APHL . org