APHL 2022 : Where Laboratory Science and Public Health Meet ( In-person and Virtually )
Over 1,400 public health scientists and administrators attended APHL 2022 in Cleveland , OH and virtually . Leandro Mena , MD , MPH , director of the Division of STD Prevention for the
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ), was the Kati Kelley Lecturer , speaking about his work promoting holistic and equitable approaches to STI care . APHL was also pleased to announce the recipients of its annual awards for outstanding achievements in laboratory science , creative approaches to solving today ’ s public health challenges and exemplary support of laboratories serving the public ’ s health .
Lifetime Achievement Award
Recognizes individuals who have established a history of distinguished service to APHL , made significant contributions to the advancement of public health laboratory science or practice , exhibited leadership in the field of public health and / or positively influenced public health policy on a national or global level . This is not a retirement award , but a true Lifetime Achievement Award .
Gold Standard Award
Given to an APHL member who makes or has made significant contributions to the technical advancement of public health laboratory science and / or practice that resulted in significantly improved technology for application in public health , environmental or agricultural laboratories .
Silver Award
Honors a laboratorian with 10 to 15 years of service in a governmental public health laboratory ( either public health or environmental / agricultural laboratory ). The honoree will be recognized as a leader both within their home laboratory as well as external to their laboratory .
On the Front Line Award
Honors an individual or laboratory outside of the APHL membership who makes significant contributions to the advancement of public health laboratory science and / or practice .
Emerging Leader Award
Honors a laboratorian whose leadership has been instrumental in one or more advances in laboratory science , practice , management , policy or education within five to 10 years of working at a publicly funded laboratory that conducts testing of public health significance .
DIGITAL EXTRA : Miss a session or want to claim P . A . C . E .
® credit ? APHL 2022 sessions are
available for viewing until August 19 , 2022 .
26 LAB MATTERS Summer 2022