Lab Matters Fall 2023 | Page 51

APHL 2023 POSTER ABSTRACTS agencies were identified for testing . These devices were tested at the manufacturer ’ s stated limit of detection , when available , or the EPA recommended level of 1.5 µ g / 100cm 2 when no detection level was noted by the manufacturer . Simulated methamphetamine contaminated surfaces were prepared by placing known amounts of methamphetamine in methanol on glass petri dishes . These surfaces were dried and tested for surface contamination per colorimetric test manufacturer directions . Experiments were repeated at increasing concentrations ( in triplicate ) until the device or test reliably detected methamphetamine . Seven fields tests were examined including ( advertised LOD in parentheses ): MethChek 100 Immunoassay kit ( 0.5 µ g / 100cm 2 ), AccuMeth 1.5 ( 1.5 µ g / 100 cm 2 ), MobileDetect DME Meth / MDMA Test ( n / a ), MobileDetect MDT Multi-Drug Test ( n / a ), Mistral D4D Pen Test ( n / a ), Mistral Meth-X Pen Test ( n / a ), and ID2 Handheld Meth Scanner ( 1.5 µ g / 100 cm2 ). Results have identified the MethChek as reliably meeting the manufacturer stated level of detection ( 0.5 µ g / 100cm 2 ). Ability to detect methamphetamine at or below the EPA level of 1.5 µ g / 100cm 2 was rare , with most commercially available colorimetric tests requiring higher concentrations to achieve a positive indication . Based on these findings there are several tests that are used by first responders , public health officials and others who are attempting to make informed decisions on methamphetamine contamination clearance decisions , that have limits of detection greater than the EPA ’ s suggested detection limit of 1.5 µ g / 100cm 2 . Information about the performance and reliability of commercially available tests is vital to the health and safety of those living and working in former or potential former clandestine laboratories .
Presenter : William Naviaux , willnavx @ gmail . com
Developing an Analytical Method for Confirmatory Testing of Common Medications for Opioid Use Disorder at the District of Columbia Public Health Laboratory
K . King , O . Jackson , G . Taylor , J . Jacob ; DC Public Health Laboratory - Clinical Toxicology Unit
Methadone and buprenorphine are two commonly prescribed medications for opioid use disorder ( MOUDs ) when healthcare providers utilize a medication-assisted treatment approach . There are unique advantages and disadvantages to both medications ; therefore , the current recommendation is for healthcare providers to take a patient-centered approach when choosing a MOUD . Confirmational testing for prescribed medication can be done using solid-phase extraction ( i . e ., sample preparation and cleanup ) followed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry ( SPE-LC-MS / MS ) or solid-phase extraction followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry ( SPE-GC-MS ). However , LC- MS / MS is often the preferred method of analysis , given that it can identify a wider range of compounds , provides more sensitivity and selectivity , and tends to have a shorter analysis run time . Currently , our laboratory uses SPE-GC-MS to confirm and quantitate methadone and its metabolite , 2-Ethylidene-1,5-dimethyl-3,3- diphenylpyrrolidine ( EDDP ). However , as we seek to expand our MOUD monitoring program to test for buprenorphine and its metabolite , norbuprenorphine , we anticipate developing and validating a novel analytical method using SPE-LC-MS / MS . When validating the method , we will examine the following performance characteristics : precision , accuracy , sensitivity , specificity , total allowable error , reportable range , reference interval , carryover , matrix effects , interference , and analyte stability .
Presenter : Kaitlin King , kaitlin . bratt @ gmail . com
Simultaneous Analysis of Nicotine and Cannabis Metabolites in Serum by Isotope Dilution UPLC-MS / MS Method
Y . Li , J . DeGuzman , P . Behniwal , S . Wang , H . Ip , J . She ; California Department of Public Health — Environmental Health Laboratory Branch
Tobacco and cannabis smoking have harmful effects on human pulmonary , cerebrovascular and neurological functions . In this presentation , we report a method developed for quantitation of the toxic chemicals that enter the human body through tobacco / cannabis smoking . We measured cotinine ( COT ), delta-9- tetrahydrocannabinol ( Δ9-THC ), cannabinol ( CBN ), and 11-hydroxydelta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol ( OH-THC ). In brief , 100 µ L of serum was cleaned up by a 96 well plate under positive pressure hybrid solid phase extraction . Sample analysis was then performed with an ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography coupled with an electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry ( UPLC-ESI-MS / MS ) in positive mode . The method performance was evaluated though measuring the parameters including the accuracy , precision , detection limits and repeatability . The evaluation results demonstrate that the developed method is selective and sensitive for analyzing the compounds mentioned above in human serum . In details , the sample pre-preparation and clean up procedures include : 1 ) denaturing peptides / proteins , protein precipitation ( PPT ), breaking down protein binding with COT and THCs , and cleaving glucuronide-analytes conjugations ; 2 ) clean up with a SPE cartridge of strong cation exchange and weak reverse phase properties ; and 3 ) SPE eluted with NH4OH-ACN and then dried through a gentle stream of N2 and finally reconstituted with ACN . Samples were introduced to UPLC through an Agilent MultiSampler in MultiWash mode and the analytes were separated with a Phenomenex EVO C18 column under weak basic condition . Post Column Addition with 0.1 % formic acid-methanol enhanced ionization efficiency of MS . The method performance and application will be presented and discussed .
Presenter : Ying Li , ying . li @ cdph . ca . gov
Barriers to using an APHL Consortium Developed Toolkit in Jurisdiction-Branded Media Publications
A . Berlon , Indiana Department of Health
Public health laboratories across the country continue to experience challenges in recruiting and hiring qualified candidates to fill laboratory vacancies . This poster explores the barriers of using a developed media toolkit in various state publications ( i . e ., Facebook , Twitter , Instagram , LinkedIn ). After working for several months to gain the appropriate approvals of the materials , the initial organic feed post made 963 impressions in the first two hours , which can
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Fall 2023 LAB MATTERS 49