Lab Matters Fall 2023 | Page 50

carried through to the next step , and continual process , of the Plan , Do , Check , Act change management and process improvement cycle . SCDHEC PHL has successfully adapted and utilized a Laboratory Risk Assessment Tool ( LABRAT ) to guide the risk management process in a laboratory setting . This LABRAT utilizes a holistic hazard identification process , a “ what-if ” hazard analysis structure , and incorporates risk matrix to guide the selection of mitigation strategies prioritized based on a hierarchy of controls .
Presenter : Andrea Causey , causeyam @ dhec . sc . gov
Ebola Biosafety Response : Then and Now
M . Marsico 1 , M . Pentella 2 , S . Campbell 1 , N . Miller 2 , N . Cornish 4 ;
Association of Public Health Laboratories , 2 State Hygienic Laboratory at the University of Iowa , 3 Yale University School of Medicine , 4 US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The previous and current Ebola Virus Disease ( EVD ) outbreaks in 2014-2016 and 2022-2023 have called attention to the climate of biosafety and biosecurity in laboratories around the United States ( US ). During the 2014-2016 Ebola outbreak , significant gaps were identified in US laboratory biosafety practices , specifically around laboratory instruments to test patient specimens along with issues on the use and disinfection of these laboratory instruments . The concerns around instrument safety led laboratories to delay or refuse specimen testing due to the fear of exposure to EVD . In 2022 , similar concerns were raised around testing potential Ebola samples . The 2022 experience , as in 2014 , identified gaps in understanding the biosafety impact throughout clinical laboratories testing samples from patients suspected to be infected with ebolavirus . This was confirmed by anecdotal evidence and a small survey of clinical laboratories . The gaps identified in both outbreaks demonstrate the need to improve knowledge , practice , and capabilities regarding clinical laboratory biosafety to be prepared for future emerging threats . Biosafety practices need to improve for both the laboratory community and equipment manufacturers . The poster will highlight biosafety gaps from both outbreaks including recent surveys distributed from state public health laboratory agencies to clinical laboratories highlighting Ebola testing concerns along with potential solutions for future outbreaks .”
Presenter : Michael Pentella , michael-pentella @ uiowa . edu
Piloting the ISO 35001 Standard : Cruising towards Biorisk Management
M . Marsico 1 , J . Baron 2 ; 1Association of Public Health Laboratory ,
Science and Safety Consulting , LLC
This poster will introduce the International Organization for Standardization ( ISO ) 35001 : Biorisk Management for Laboratories and Other Related Organizations to viewers along with outlining the APHL / CDC ISO 35001 Implementation Project across two public health laboratories . APHL , in collaboration with the CDC have developed a strategy to provide guidance for laboratories interested in ISO 35001 implementation . We are currently piloting the implementation of ISO 35001 at two public health laboratories through 2023 . This poster will outline the standard and why it is important along with key takeaways by those laboratories involved in the pilot project and ideas for future projects .
Presenter : Michael Marsico , michael . marsico @ aphl . org
Public Health Laboratory Construction and Renovation Helpful Tips
L . Wallace 1 , M . Downey 2 , M . Marsico 3 , S . Escott 2 , C . J . Woolverton 4 ;
West Virginia Office of Laboratory Services , 2 ABSA International ,
Association of Public Health Laboratories , 4 Kent State University
Post COVID-19 , funding has increased for public health readiness and infrastructure . Many laboratories are improving / expanding BSL-2 and BSL-3 containment laboratories to increase the capacity for work on emerging infectious diseases , such as SARS-CoV-2 , as well as re-emerging diseases such as Poxvirus , Poliovirus , Ebola , and Mycobacterium tuberculosis . These improvements should be undertaken with input from all stakeholders ( e . g ., Biosafety , Safety , Maintenance , Security , Quality ), an appreciation for the unique requirements of containment ( e . g ., directional airflow , waste handling , equipment and room decontamination ), and consideration of validation and verification of equipment and the facility at the conclusion of the project . The aim of this poster is to provide guidance for biosafety professionals or those with biosafety responsibilities to guarantee that they are part of the early planning process and involved in developing project specifications . This will help ensure that contracts are awarded to experienced laboratory engineering and commissioning firms that are able to meet all regulatory requirements . The poster will include testimonials from laboratories involved in rebuilding and / or renovation projects , construction references , helpful tips for surviving a construction project and FAQs about the process .
Presenter : Lisa Wallace , lisa . m . wallace @ wv . gov
Can Commercially Available Field Tests Reliably Detect Trace Methamphetamine ?
W . Naviaux 1 , 2 , C . Hedman 3 , H . Barkholtz 1 , 4 ; 1 Forensic Toxicology Section , Environmental Health Division , Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene , 2 Pharmacology and Toxicology Program , School of Pharmacy , University of Wisconsin-Madison , 3 Wisconsin Department of Health Services , Division of Public Health , Bureau of Environmental and Occupational Health , 4 Pharmaceutical Sciences Division , School of Pharmacy , University of Wisconsin-Madison
Currently there are several commercial methamphetamine surface contamination detection devices and colorimetric tests marketed to first responders , public health officials , and individuals . However , none of these devices or tests have peer reviewed research supporting the manufacturer ’ s stated methamphetamine detection limits . This work seeks to fill those gaps . These tests are used at critical times from identifying a need to remediate a property to child custody decisions . Without solid evidence to back these tests up the confidence put into these tests is concerning and doesn ’ t allow for informed decision making . Common colorimetric tests and handheld devices utilized by Wisconsin ’ s public safety
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