Style Me Aware
February is Cancer Prevention Month.
In collaboration with Synergy, we would like to share some
information about how to reduce your risk.
You know the basics: quit smoking (it’s never too late!),
eat healthy, exercise, and drink in moderation.
But no matter how healthy of a lifestyle you lead, you may be
exposed to risks in your environment in the form of chemicals,
pollution, other diseases, or even medical treatments. You also
cannot control risk factors such as age, race or genetic
This is why it is important to educate yourself about cancer
and get screened. Early detection goes hand in hand with
successful treatment. For more information:
The Mayo Clinic
National Breast Cancer Foundation
Pancreatic Cancer Canada
Prostate Cancer Foundation
Cancer Treatment Centers of America
Skin Cancer Foundation
Screen for Life
LA Trends and Synergy are not medical professionals.
All information on these Style Me Aware pages should be confirmed with your physician.