P. 14 - LA PLAYA
What To Do If Stung By A Scorpion
corner of the bathroom or kitchen
causing a few moments of panic.
n Panama, scorpions are usually
seen in the dry season. These
creatures often turn up in a dark
Scorpions spend much of the day
hiding in dark places and come out at
night seeking food and water. In dry
season, these creepy crawlers have
a harder time finding water outside
and are more likely to find their way to
an indoor water source. Scorpions
prey on insects, so if you can
eliminate an insect problem indoors,
the scorpions will have nothing to
prey on.
There are many different types of
scorpion species, each having
different toxicity in venom. Not all
scorpion stings are deadly, however
some can be - especially to young
children and elderly adults. Scorpion
stings can also affect cats and dogs.
Do not underestimate the size of a
scorpion, as even young ones can
produce toxic venom.
While one can hope they will never
have to endure to a nasty sting, it is
important to know the proper
treatment for one:
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Loosen clothing around the sting
site. Wash the effected area with
mild soap and cool water. If bleach is
available, hold a cotton ball with
bleach directly to the area, until the
tingling or pain reduces. Bleach can
neutralize scorpion venom. To reduce
the swelling use an icepack or cold
pack. If you are bitten on the hand or
foot, elevate the area. Watch for
serious symptoms such as muscle
twitches, difficulty in breathing,
If the pain persists or
swelling does not go down, seek
medical attention. Bicorpan & Disflam
are both topical creams that can be
applied to reduce pain and swelling.
A single dose of antihistamine
(Benadryl) can also help.
Panama is home to a number of
scorpion species: Tityus cerroazul, T.
asthenes, T. festae, and T. pachyurus. The most severe sting cases in
Panama were from the Tityus
Also found in Panama are the Chactidae, Diplocentridae and Vejovidae
families, which are generally not
considered dangerous to humans. If
you are stung at the beach it is most
likely from one of these less lethal
Arthropods. However, it is always a
good idea to identify the scorpion,
especially if stung. If you seek
medical attention, take the dead
scorpion with you.
¿Que hacer si es picado por un escorpión en Panamá?
subespecies de escorpiones
en Panamá. De esas 16
especies, ninguna de ellas presenta
una picadura cuyo veneno sea
mortal. Sin embargo, sus picaduras
pueden igualmente ser muy dolorosas, preocupantes y con riesgo de
vida para algunos. Los bebés y
aquellos que ya poseen una frágil
condición de salud, son susceptibles
de ser mas afectados por la picadura
de un escorpión, y es muy probable
que necesiten hospitaliza