Koreans and other Asians , are expanding . In 2021 , the Biden administration signed a $ 1.2 trillion infrastructure investment and job bill , which has been allocated to each state and local government . Budgets needed for various construction projects and many levels of procurement are being supported .
However , due to the small size of some businesses , a lack of bidding information , as well as language barriers , it has not been easy for minority small business owners to participate in government procurement bidding . Among them , MWIS is targeting Korean minority , women and other underserved small business and construction contractors . MWIS ’ CDABP receives financial support from city governments and LA Metro to operate bid support programs . They provide contractors with support and information , including education about bidding and , after a contractor has won a bid , guarantee insurance .
The nonprofit organization PACE is supporting CDABP ’ s Contractor Finance Assistance Program ( CFAP ) by providing loans and education to ensure that winning companies can participate in government procurement projects without experiencing financial difficulties . KBS America covered MWIS ’ Contract Development and Bonding Program ( CDABP ) and CDABP ’ s PACE-supported CFAP loans . The story featured interviews with MWIS ’ Ingrid Merriwether and PACE ’ s Diana Chung . Click the image above to view the Korean news broadcast on YouTube .
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