The Contractor Development and Bonding Program ( CDABP ) has been in the news in print , TV , and radio publications , appearing 20 times in various outlets , including : Inglewood Today , Santa Clarita Valley Signal , La Opinion , Los Angeles Downtown News , Antelope Valley Press , G . I . Jobs magazine , Professional Woman ’ s magazine , Our Weekly , California Constructor magazine , Ethnic Media Services , Philippine News Today , Spectrum News 1 – SoCal , KBLA-AM ( 1580 ), Los Angeles Sentinel , Our Weekly , Los Angeles Downtown News , KNX-FM ( 97.1 ), ETTV America , and KBS America .
Below are links to four news items :
On August 8 , 2022 , CDABP participants Juan Garcia , CEO of PG Cutting Services , and Ron Escobar , CEO of Escobar Construction were featured in the Spanish-language La Opinion ’ s article “ Buscan derribar barreras para empresarios minoritarios en contratos públicos .”
On November 29 , 2022 , CDABP participant Jacqueline Pruitt , CEO of Marvella Steel Placers , was featured in Spectrum News 1 – SoCal ’ s article and video entitled “ Program helps diverse , small businesses land publicly-funded construction contracts .”
On December 15 , 2022 , Ingrid Merriwether , president and CEO of MWIS , was interviewed on KBLA-AM ’ s ( 1580 ) the “ First Things First with Dominique DiPrima ” radio talk show ( the12-minute interview starts at 34:30 ).
On February 22 , 2023 , CDABP partner Diana Chung , business counseling manager at
Pacific Asian Consortium in Employment ( PACE ), was interviewed for the Korean news channel KBS America . Viewable on YouTube , the story runs from ( 13:00 - 15:28 ). MWIS reaches out to inform the Korean community of the CDABP . This Korean language TV news segment covers MWIS ’ Contract Development and Bonding Program and PACE ’ s CFAP loan , featuring interviews with MWIS ’ Ingrid Merriwether and PACE ’ s Diana Chung . See below for a transcript of the news segment , translated from Korean to English . ( translated by PACE ’ s Kevin Kim ).
Expansion of Korean-American businesses expected in federal construction and procurement bidding
Minority and Asian small business owners have faced many barriers in government bidding due to various obstacles . Efforts to support minority business owners , including