LA CIVETTA MAY 2022 | Page 7

Letter from the editor

Welcome to the final edition of La Civetta for the year 2021/22. The theme of this edition is 'Conversations'. Over the past two years, we have all had difficult experiences, which have come in different forms. Now we are back to normal life, so it is time to reflect on our experiences, share them and learn from them and those of others.

But conversations are not just the telling of past stories, conversations mean debate, discussion, advice, learning and much more: this issue of La Civetta aims to demonstrate all this.

Expect articles recommending trips to Italy and works of art to see in each city. We have an article with a conversation with an Italian chef, whom you may know if you have seen 'Great British Bake Off'.... We also talked to Italian-inspired restaurants right here in Bristol.

Two members of our team abroad spoke to our Bristol students, also abroad, analysing how their experiences have been affected not only by the pandemic but also by Brexit. All this, plus film and TV reviews, discussions on sport, music and politics and a playlist compiled by our team, makes for an edition we are really proud of.

I would like to thank Chris Davis from Little Hollows Pasta, Ben and Emily from Omaggi and Giuseppe dell'Anno for their cooperation in the production of this edition. I would also like to thank our Erasmus students here in Bristol who contributed to the making of this edition, thank you Sabrina, Jennis, Paola and Gaia!

Finally, I invite you all to read on in what will be my final edition of La Civetta as editor, the process has been very fulfulling and I would urge all students of Italian to consider joining the team, I should have joined sooner!

Tom Smith - Editor