LA CIVETTA MAY 2022 | Page 11

Name: Cristo Velato

Place: Napoli

The Veiled Christ is one of the most impressive sculptures in the world. The brief given to Sanmartino was to create “a life-sized marble statue, representing Our Lord Jesus Christ dead, and covered in a transparent shroud carved from the same block as the statue”, and boy did he deliver. Upon seeing this sculpture, you are isntantly transfixed by the breathtaking craftmanship that was required to manipulate the marble in such a lifelike manner. The swollen vein pulstaing on the forehead and the marks on the feet and hands from nails are worth noting, but the incredibly realistic veil covering the body is what impressed me so much. The piece is genuinely stunning and well worth a visit when in Napoli.

Photo by  Théo Roland on  Unsplash

- Naples' 'quartieri spagnoli'

James Bicknell - Found