LA CIVETTA May 2018 | Page 50


'Quando senti qualcosa che ti fa vibrare il cuore, non domandarti mai cosa sia, ma vivilo sino in fondo, perché quel brivido, quella sensazione si chiama Vita'

In honour and to commemorate Elsa Scaburri, an outstanding student, young scholar and friend who sadly left us last year, the Italian Department has held the Elsa Scaburri Creative Award.

This award aimed to showcase students' talents in ways that are not necessarily represented as part of the normal academic programme, while seeking to build greater social confidence and cohesion through the form of a creative response.

The winning entries are by Felicity Aris and Lily McHugh, who explore, through the short story format, this year’s theme: ‘well-being and resilience in a challenging world’. Aware that life doesn’t always get up to the sound of the alarm clock or that we can always see clearly on our own, both stories find that, when times are hard, it is in the people around us that we remember ourselves, while sometimes it is the simple act of talking that keeps us going, that makes us resilient.

- Alda Merini, Poet