Hello readers!
I am very pleased to introduce what I hope will be the first of many editions of La Civetta – a brand new magazine produced by students of the University of Bristol’s Italian department. Ranging from authentic Mediterranean recipes to Pope Francis’s current tweeting tendencies, this issue contains articles of all flavours. The Dai Nostri Inviati in Italia section presents a series of anecdotes from students on their year abroad, capturing all those funny feelings unique to the Erasmus experience. For example, a Bristolian marvels at her 150 minute wait for a (slightly) delayed train in Pavia whilst an Italian describes her astonishment at seeing pineapple on a pizza!
La Civetta is not only a great chance to put 'the boot under the eye' (a massive thanks is owed to Owen Pickrell for coming up with the magazine’s subtitle), but also provides students with a fantastic opportunity to gain some journalistic experience. If you're interested in writing, design, translation or any of the various jobs required to put a magazine together, please get in touch with myself or Anna Fitzgerald: our contact details are on page 4. Don’t worry, no previous experience is needed - just a splash of enthusiasm!
Finally, I would like to thank all the contributors for the hard work that has gone in to launching this exciting project. I am thoroughly enjoying working with everyone on the committee and getting a taste for the role of editor! This has been a great experience and a perfect stepping stone to my internship in journalism next year. In pursuit of my passion for writing, I have been fortunate enough to secure a work placement at Florence News & Events where I will spend five months nurturing my favourite pastime. Amongst the excitement of news writing, I will be sure to wander off the beaten track and explore some of the city’s hidden treasures, revealed on page 50 in a wonderful article by Ivana Scatola. Until then, I wish you all an enjoyable read of this first issue which I hope shall mark the beginning of a long, successful future for La Civetta.
Georgia Jones