Melmaridè directed by Elisa Bozzarelli and Alice Daneluzzo is the story of a group of women from Piacenza who , in the 70s , joined the wider international feminist movement , seeking change for a system designed to oppress women and their voices . Now , 40 years later , irrespective of their differences , they are still friends and are still united by their pursuit of independence and equality . What began as an idea to preserve the memory of their experiences blossomed into a thought-provoking and timely documentary which succeeds in chronicling the power of action and the need for every generation to continue in this fight .
Melmaridè takes the interview approach to its subject matter , giving each woman an individual , as well as collective , space to share their memories of their activism with each woman offering a different perspective and their own personal history . There is a sense of mutual fulfilment as this group of women relive the experiences which proved instrumental in shaping their lives and a sense of pride engrained , something which only they can express . These interviews are interspersed with photographs taken at the time ( courtesy of Paola Agosti ), and historical interjections , explanations that provide context for the viewer as to the political and social situation in 1970s Italy .