LA CIVETTA - April 2021 | Page 21

Arte perfection we expect from later art , however Venus , despite being a goddess , is incredibly accurate , proportional and beautiful . We catch Venus nude , before the right hand figure covers her and Botticelli successfully captures a fleeting moment with incredible detail of movement . Zephyr , the wind god , blows Venus to shore- we can see the air blow from his mouth . This wind blows all the figures ' hair , but , despite this movement all around them , the 3 women have expressions of extreme serenity , mimicking the viewers awe at witnessing this event .
Arte perfection we expect from later art , however Venus , despite being a goddess , is incredibly accurate , proportional and beautiful . We catch Venus nude , before the right hand figure covers her and Botticelli successfully captures a fleeting moment with incredible detail of movement . Zephyr , the wind god , blows Venus to shore- we can see the air blow from his mouth . This wind blows all the figures ' hair , but , despite this movement all around them , the 3 women have expressions of extreme serenity , mimicking the viewers awe at witnessing this event .
Source : Wikiart . org
Annunciation ( 1490 ) shows similar skill to Venus , however depicts a more common biblical scene , the Annunciation of the Angel Gabriel to Mary that she would have Jesus . The arches not only work as framing for both figures , but are important in demonstrating Botticelli ’ s skill for perspective . The foreshortening of each pilaster and the lines on the floor , with the landscaped background work to make the scene accurate . It makes sure the biblical subject is placed in a relatable setting for the modern audience , resulting in it seeming believable . The impressive detailing to the architecture , however , does not detract from the events- Gabriel and Mary are perfectly painted , the anatomy understood , further making it realistic as the wings , halo and ray of light don ’ t seem out of place . The ray of divine light is especially eye catching ,

J e m i m a F e n n e l l