Sandro Botticelli , born 1445 in Florence , was an Italian Renaissance painter known for artworks that are still iconic today , like The Birth of Venus and Primavera . At the time , art was primarily commissioned by the Church , hence many Renaissance paintings are of biblical scenes , as well as allegorical paintings , such as Primavera . Mediums included frescoes , as well as tempera on panel , which developed into later Renaissance with oil on canvas . Beyond biblical scenes , classical paintings or portraits were significant . Artists focused especially on anatomy , nature , light and perspective . Therefore , I will focus on the famous Venus and less wellknown , but equally impressive Annunciation .
Source : Wikiart . com
The Birth of Venus ( 1484-86 ) is a large , although not lifesize , tempera on canvas painting . It depicts Venus rising nude from her scallop shell , surrounded by other gods and goddesses . Especially impressive is Venus ’ anatomy , her face often seen separate from the painting in modern popular culture . Of course , at the time , anatomy wasn ’ t painted to the same