Liberian Literary Magazine
Promoting Liberian literature, Arts and Culture
When the news broke that I was pregnant
again. I didn’t know what to expect really. I
wanted a double portion restoration for my
stillbirth just like He promised that for your
For Every Woman Who Ever
Lost A Pregnancy
Short Story 3
***Credits: Ebidenyefa the Author.
This story first appeared on the blog
Ebidenyefa Tarila Nikade, is a Nigerian writer
and the author ‘Vulnerable Chronicles’
Hurts are real but more real is the JOY of the
Lord in the midst of our challenges.
This piece is the true story of a woman’s pain
and hurts but one thing I want you to take away
from this is…
●Always try as much as possible to be patient
with people and encourage them in their times
of pain.
●Know that there’s nothing as potent as
praying for someone in their low times and
sharing relevant scriptures from the word of
God. It is God that can truly go down to the
foundation of the hurts and pull it out.
●No matter what you’re going through, you’re
not alone.
●Let the JOY of the Lord replace every hurt
and let the fact that you’re alive fill your heart
with PRAISES to God. Once there is life, there is
indeed hope!
So I got triple. Three hearts were growing
within and growing very fast. I could feel their
heart beats and leaps as they spun a merry go
round in my uterus. The scan always revealed
them playing joyfully.
The pregnancy ran smoothly after a couple of
multiple pregnancy attendant complications
were promptly handled by my well qualified
medical team.
Then in one ungodly night…chai, I still
remember that night vividly…that night I begged
God, I felt the severity of excruciating pain…I
thought I was going to die
God was miles away in heaven and for a
moment I felt he turned his back on me… then
my water broke gushing out like an estuary . I
stopped praying. I knew it was over. There was
no miracle that could keep them in beyond that
A preterm labour had commenced and was
progressing in quick succession. The incubator
was prepared. A flicker of hope beamed but by
Farewell Slide:
I never knew I would ever do this even though
some people forbade from doing it earlier. I
realised that the fastest means of getting over
the pain is speaking about it and making a
message of the mess.