KWEE Liberian Literary Magazine Jan. Iss. Vol. 0115 Feb Vol. 0215 | Page 18

Liberian Literary Magazine experiences the old man was referring to, I found myself agreeing with him. “So you mean Tene will not be my wife?” I asked. “I wouldn't say that, but ...” Bleng stopped suddenly and smiled. “You need strong forces behind you to win that woman, my boy. Someone who can make strong love medicines, so she can turn her heart solely towards you.” “I was just as blank I could possibly be. “Weil,” I breathed heavily, “this is the reason why I am here old man, I want you to help me.” “What help can be given you must come very fast, because right now the family of the girl have four offers before them besides you.” Bleng got through telling me all what he saw in the crystals. Besides the urgency of moving fast in the Tene palava, he said, I had a long trip before me. That a tall fair woman close to Tene had so much influence over her, Tene dare not make a move without the approval of this person. About the short brown man who was making strong juju to win Tene, I had an inkling who it might be. Before I left Bendabli, there was bush-bush talk of a secret love affair between Tene and a Bomi Hills fellow. They said, it was being engineered by Kema, her sister. I swear to God, Bleng is a master zowo. His crystals confirmed all the rumours I had been hearing of this Kema woman. That she was a snake in the grass is obvious, and a poisonous one at that. The whole while she was in Suehn she had been secretly drinking palm wine with Buu and going to be with him. I had heard enough and wanted to get up and go back Promoting Liberian literature, Arts and Culture to Suehn, or walk aimlessly the whole night. My friend Buu, sensing my feelings the whole while, avoided making any comments until we were an our way