KWEE Liberian Literary Magazine Jan. Iss. Vol. 0115 Feb Vol. 0215 | Page 17

Liberian Literary Magazine Promoting Liberian literature , Arts and Culture

Liberian Classic

Murder in the Cassava Patch II
Bai . T Moore
Early that evening , we were in the presence of the celebrated sand reader . Bleng was every bit the description Buu had given me of him ; a short , stocky , bowlegged gentleman , with large bulging eyes planted proportionately between two huge curved ears . On one of the lobes hung a tiny brass earing . Around his neck hung a heavy necklace strung with assorted objects , including barracuda teeth , seashells , tiny copper spears and antelope horns . These adornments enhanced the sand reader ' s appearance .
“ What wind blows my friend Buu to my humble abode this time of the evening ?” The doctor man asked , waving us into two low stools in his crowded hut .
“ First , I want you to meet Gortokai , a friend of mine . “
“ And where do you come from ?” Bleng cast his eyes on me .
“ From Bendabli , on the Bomi Hills Road ,” Buu replied .
“ It ' s been a long time since I was last in those parts .
What ' s happening there ?” He spoke slowly .
I am sure this question was intended for me , so I answered , “ nothing of any significance that is , up to the time I left there a few weeks ago .”
“ Now , what is your mission gentlemen , may I ask ?” “ The palava reach to you .” Buu pointed to me .
“ Go ahead and break word . You brought me here .” I told my friend .
“ All right ,” Buu agreed . “ Bleng ,” he began , “ my friend comes to you with a strong palava which catches his heart . He got his heart set on a woman and wants to have you look into it for him .”
“ Someone he wants to marry , I suppose ?” “ Yes .” Buu nodded . The old man set for a few minutes looking into space . “ What is the name of the girl ?” He inquired . “ Tene ,” said we in unison . Bleng reached for something under his bed . It was a rolled up mat with a bag inside . He spread the mat before us and pressed the small bag against his forehead . “ Gortokai ,” the sand reader called , “ touch this three times , and call the name of the girl three times to yourself .
Confide anything you wish , to the bag .” I did so .
Bleng placed the bag on the mat and began to unfasten it . I had my eyes glued on every movement he made . After a few unsuccessful attempts , the sand reader poured the contents of the bag into the mat . They were an assortment of quartz crystals , large yellow beads , smooth pebbles and some strangelooking beans . One of the pebbles rolled under my stool . I tried to reach for it . Bleng stopped me .
“ No one is allowed to touch these sacred objects unless I give them permission . God gave them to me in a dream and taught me how to use them to help mankind . He told me not to let anyone touch them , else they would lose their magic power .”
The contents of the bag were collected and tossed into the air and allowed to scatter on the mat again .
Bleng viewed the objects with penetrating eyes for a minute or two without uttering a word . He broke the silence , by murmuring the word “ Tene ” to himself several times , nodding in between . The old man cleared his throat and offered to tell me what he saw in the crystals . For some reason which I cannot explain , I turned pale and felt nervous . Bleng looked straight into my eyes ; “ young man ,” he uttered . I felt a sudden thump against my chest . It was my heart , beating like a machine . “ Tene ' s heart is divided .” The old man revealed .
I felt a sudden jolt . I felt like the whole world had suddenly dropped from under me . I was unable to speak . In such a state of mind , the old man found it useless to continue telling me what he saw in the crystals . For true I was dumbfounded and numb all over . In his long experience as a professional diviner , Bleng had discovered a way of bringing clients like me back to reality .
“ I think what you boys need right now is a good shot of St . Paul Lightning on roots .” A good gulp of the hot liquor sent an exhilarating sensation through me . I felt better all of a sudden .
When the old man asked , “ How you like my roots ?”
I told him , “ just fine . It has brought me around .”
“ I know it .” Old man Bleng smiled . “ Gortokai , when you have reached my age , you will agree that good rum , delicious food and some money , not too much , to keep you worrying , are to be desired more than a beautiful unfaithful woman .”
Although I had not gone through some of the