KWEE Liberian Literary Magazine Jan. Iss. Vol. 0115 Apr Iss. Vol. 0415 | Page 34

Liberian Literary Magazine Promoting Liberian Literature, Arts and Culture Lassana V. Donzo Mama Africa Must Awake And Rise Up Now Africa! Oh sleeping Mama Africa Rise up as did Europe and America Verily! your children are suffering Frustratingly, your leaders are bluffing They have created animosity among Africans leading to ethnic cleansings among brethren. They have made joblessness a professional occupation for Mama Africa's youthful populations. These leaders are best known for their arrogance, intolerance, ruthlessness, and lack of visions Why should you allow yourself to be psychologically corrupted?! Why allow your precious resources to be viciously pillaged? Why be exploited?! Why should your children be victims of modern slavery in foreign lands?! Why should your dependency be on aids and donations from Western hands?! For so long we have been viewed as a people backward. Everything about us is being misperceived by others. We have neglected our African civilizations and adopted Western ones which promise great rewards. We have become, on the face of this earth, the most brainwashed and best cowards You're stigmatized as the most impoverished continent. Your offspring do nothing; taking this as a matter seriously pertinent. Your leaders don't care for the welfare and progress of their people. Your children's plights, resulting from leaders' greed, are left tedious. They linger; they perish; they’re in limbo It's time for you Mama Africa to awake and rise up from your deep sleep. It's time to graduate from the western mentalities being imposed on you like