KWEE Liberian Literary Magazine Jan. Iss. Vol. 0115 Apr Iss. Vol. 0415 | Page 33

Liberian Literary Magazine Promoting Liberian literature, Arts and Culture Baltimore C. Verdier There is no easy way to live a life I Have Seen It All Be contended for the little things Work with a heart of love and with honesty Young man, I have seen it all Yes, the days of old and new Pray for good health and not wealth And let your church be your heart I have watched it from far and near From the break of dawn to sun set Copyright © Baltimore C. Verdier Dripping in sweat and in blood Drowning in tears and in grief Mohammed Donzo Dolley But you question my remote days Term it backward and a dark era Words You boast of yours being sophisticated Digitally interconnected and free flowing Words I have used to educate people Words I have used to persuade people Words I have used to motivate people Words I have used to disagree with people So true, but I'm still here Much longer than you ever know Words I have used to advice people Words I have used to lie to people But words I have not used to Exacerbate the pitiable conditions of people But words I have not used to murder people But words I have not used to humiliate people Look son, I am proud of my days I had it rough and really tough And it made me a strong world Because I work with the heart to live I took the long way to still be around today Never an easy way my young man Words, Words, More Words, Words I chose the days of trouble So you can have peace in your time But you blew it all away with your sophistication Now your own world is crumbling upon you They are powerful For when words are used They are either positive or negative Positive, that`s welcoming Negative, that`s something I never wish to happen For my conscience will never serve me right Sadly, you end up at an early age Because you chose the shortcuts to life But I'm still here seeing you come and go Painfully grieving your loss Seeing you been buried is just too much to bear But this is the world you created Monrovia, Liberia, 01/14 © 2016 Mohammed Donzo Dolley You have a chance to turn it around Learn the secret of this silver hair Mohammed Dolley’s first chapbook Our Future, publishes in the second quarter of 2016. Life is a sweet sorrow my dear boy 33