KV Dwarka Times 1st Issue | Page 6

Hope is not something to lose It is one of the best things you choose . Life has lots of highs and lows Hope gives you a chance to go in a flow Optimism is a positive expression , which helps in reducing depression . Life has certain goals to achieve Hope is through which you achieve When you lose your heart and cry Hope gives you a new path to try . Life is not always what we want it to be , Rather what it has to be .. Being hopeful is what a person should be ..
Rohit XI A
Time is like a river which flows with constant rate in one direction . Time once lost can never be recovered again . In our modern world , all people are busy in their life . They don ' t have any time for anyone ; even they don ' t have time for themselves . They are too busy in their work that they doesn ' t take care of their health and often are sleep deprived which causes many health related problems and diseases like hypertension , depression , insomnia etc . So , to avoid all these things the best way is to manage our precious time precisely and wisely .
For the students , their time is the most precious thing . Some children often complain that they have lack of time . But it not true , they have lack of time because they waste most of their time in useless things like watching TV , playing mobile games , chatting on social media etc . And with wastage of time these things also causes distraction and loss of concentration , which in turn makes them unable to concentrate in the remaining time . Actually , time is like the sunshine , as sun doesn ' t discriminate in providing sunshine to anyone . Time is also equal for all , it depends on us that how we use it . Some people use it wisely and become successful in their life and some pg . 6