As we are hearing from our childhood that ‘’ first impression is the last impression ’’ and according to this we always try to make our best impression in front of new people as no one wants to get the first impression bad . But do you think that this phrase is always correct in our life ?
I think it is a false statement as no one can judge a person at the first sight . It takes time to understand abilities and inabilities of a person . Let us understand this by an example- There are two new students in a class . First student is very good in studies and second student is an average student . In an exam the second student becomes the toper by unfair means and the first student gets average marks . Then the impression on the teacher is that second student is very good in studies and first student is average . Further , in future the teacher realizes that his opinion was wrong for the first student as the first student proves his abilities in subsequent exams . We can see another example of lucrative schemes used by fraudulent in the market to multi-fold the investment of the consumers . They attract the attention of the people by print and electronic media . Gullible people come under the trap and invest their hard earned money in fake schemes . Fraudulent win the faith of the people at first instance , grab the money and ultimately disappear from the market . But , soon they are caught in their own trap . Only those sustain in the market who have won credibility of the customers .
Sometimes we try to become a fake model for our good impression . But a good person is always known by his qualities , not by his first impression . So we have to change our mindset regarding the phrase ‘’ first impression is the last impression ’’.
Amish Kartik XI A pg . 5