Well most of the people think that gentlemen are those who just show off themselves . But it is completely wrong . Actually it is an ability developed by a man to become a better person In practical life . Now day people have forgotten how to treat a person and they have forgotten that every single living being has a value and we should respect that it doesn ’ t matter that the person should be old and only then we will show respect to them . It can be anyone , it has Nothing to do with age , gender or anything else . A gentleman always show respect to everyone whether he like them or not . It show that a person Has a high level open mind which is ready to accept anything . Till now you would think why am i saying this much useless things well first it is not useless because now day we have forgotten how to respect a person , we don ’ t care about others and don ’ t think what will be the impact of it on those who care about us and as a result we lost our Dear ones and after that we regret what we have done with the peace full life of ours . But as a great person has spoken “ every question has an answer of its own you just need to find It out ” well becoming a gentleman is an easiest answer but it has some basic requirement of its own and they are not pretty much hard that you can ’ t imply them
Things that a gentleman never forget to do
� He never talks down to anyone
� He never bully others for fun
� He never show disrespect to others
� Give respect to others which is not based on their looks
� He always try to show that he is hard as stone even if he is soft like snow from inside
� He know the right place to speak
� He never tries to hurt anyone
Mandeep Singh XI C
“ Well this is not all because it is such a vast topic that no one can explain it . For me to say that i am gentleman will not be right Because i still lack in many ways But i can say one thing for sure that i will become
One day “ pg . 31