Pulling me up , whenever I fall , Coming to my aid whenever I call , Every year , every day . I owe it to them , what I am today .
Showing me the bright side of things , Bearing with all my crazy mood swings . Snarkiness , panic attacks , they tolerated it all Came to my every beck and call . Never too busy for me , If I needed help , they were there , happily . Every moment , every day , That ’ s why I owe what I am today to them .
Always ready with their hugs and kisses , They forgave all my mistakes and misses . Smiling , when they were proud of me , Smiling , even when they were disappointed with me ! Taught me to be selfless forever and never to lose hope , ever . Going along with all my fancies and whims , They taught me to be happy , whenever life was grim . Pulling me out of trouble , guiding me time and again worrying and fussing over me like a mother hen !
They made me the centre of their universe Always ready with open arms and soothing words . My parents , I am proud to say I owe it to them whatever I am today .
Nazuk Sharma-- XI C pg . 30